hares with the man that has it, or shield
the thief?
Quid si fallis?
What if you deceive me?
Tum me faciat quod volt magnus Iuppiter.
Then, sir, may I be dealt with as great God sees fit.
Sat habeo. age nunc loquere quid vis.
That will suffice. All right now, say what you want.
Si me novisti minus,
genere quo sim gnatus: hic mihi est Megadorus avonculus,
meus pater fuit Antimachus, ego vocor Lyconides.
mater est Eunomia.
In case you're not acquainted with my family connections,
sir,--Megadorus here is my uncle: my father was Antimachus,
and my own name is Lyconides: Eunomia is my mother.
Novi genus. nunc quid vis? id volo 780
I know who you are. Now what do you want? That's what I wish
to know.
Filiam ex te tu habes.
You have a daughter.
Immo eccillam domi.
Yes, yes, at home there!
Eam tu despondisti, opinor, meo avonculo?
You have betrothed her to my uncle, I understand.
Omnem rem tenes.
Precisely, precisely.
Is me nunc renuntiare repudium iussit tibi.
He has asked me to inform you now that he breaks the
Repudium rebus paratis, exornatis nuptiis?
ut illum di immortales omnes deaeque quantum est perduint,
quem propter hodie auri tantum perdidi infelix, miser.
(_furious_) Breaks the engagement, with everything ready,
the wedding prepared for? May all the everlasting powers
above consume that villain that's to blame for my losing my
gold, all that gold, poor God forsaken creature that I am!
Bono animo es, bene dice. nunc quae res tibi et gnatae tuae
bene feliciterque vortat--ita di faxint, inquito.
Brace up, sir: don't curse. And now for some thing that I
pray will turn out well and happily for yourself and your
daughter--"God grant it may!" Say that.
Ita di faciant.
(_doubtfully_) God grant it may!
Et mihi ita di faciant. audi nunciam.
qui homo culpam admisit in se, nullust tam parvi preti, 790
quom pudeat, quin purget sese. nunc te obtestor, Euclio,
ut si quid ego erga te imprudens peccavi aut gnatam tuam,
ut mi ignoscas eamque uxorem m