Estne hic meus sodalis?
(_approaching Nicobulus's house_) Isn't that my chum?
Estne hic hostis, quem aspicio, meus?
Isn't that my enemy I see?
Certe is est.
(_beaming_) It certainly is.
Is est.
(_glowering_) It is.
Adibo contra et contollam gradum.
salvos sis, Mnesiloche.
I'll step up and meet him. (_hurries to him_) Mnesilochus!
bless you!
(_gruffly_) Same to you.
Salvos quom peregre advenis,
cena detur.
(_enthusiastically_) We must have a dinner, now you're safe
back from abroad.
Non placet mi cena quae bilem movet.
I have no desire for a dinner that stirs my bile.
Numquae advenienti aegritudo obiecta est?
(_wonderingly_) You haven't met with any trouble on your
return, have you?
Atque acerruma.
Yes, of the worst sort.
What caused it?
Ab homine quem mi amicum esse arbitratus sum antidhac.
A man I always took for a friend till now.
Multi more isto atque exemplo vivont, quos cum censeas 540
esse amicos, reperiuntur falsi falsimoniis,
lingua factiosi, inertes opera, sublesta fide.
nullus est quoi non invideant rem secundam optingere;
sibi ne invideatur, ipsi ignavia recte cavent.
(_indignantly_) There are plenty of fellows amongst us
of that character and description, fellows you regard as
friends only to find 'em treacherous traitors--energetic
talkers, lazy doers, and ready deserters. There's no one
they don't envy his good luck. As for themselves, they take
proper care no one envies them--their own inertness looks
out for that.
Edepol ne tu illorum mores perquam meditate tenes.
sed etiam unum hoc: ex ingenio malo malum inveniunt suo:
nulli amici sunt, inimicos ipsi in sese omnis habent.
ei se cum frustrantur, frustrari alios stolidi existumant.
sicut est his, quem esse amicum ratus sum atque ipsus sum mihi:
ille, quod in se fuit, accuratum habuit quod posset mali 550
faceret in me, inconciliaret copias omnis meas.
(_dryly_) Well, well! You certainly have a very intimate
acquaintance with their characteristics. But there's this
one thing to add: they're cursed