s the use of my doing that?
Ut ille te videat volo.
scio quid ago.
I want him to see you. I know what I'm doing.
Et pol ego scio quid metuo. sed quid ais?
Gad! And I know what I'm fearing. But, I say.
Quid est?
Quid si apud te eveniat desubito prandium aut potatio
forte aut cena, ut solet in istis fieri conciliabulis, 80
ubi ego tum accumbam?
What if there should happen to be an impromptu luncheon or
drinking party at your house, or a dinner party, perhaps--
the ordinary thing at resorts like yours--where would my
place be then?
Apud me, mi anime, ut lepidus cum lepida accubet.
locus hic apud nos, quamvis subito venias, semper liber est.
ubi tu lepide voles esse tibi "mea rosa," mihi dicito
"dato qui bene sit": ego ubi bene sit tibi locum lepidum dabo.
Next to me, darling; a nice boy and a nice girl side by
side. This place at my house is your very own always, no
matter how unexpectedly you come. Whenever you want to have
a nice time just say, "Give me a comfy place, rosey dear,"
and I'll give you a nice place to be comfy in.
Rapidus fluvius est hic, non hac temere transiri potest.
(_half to himself_) This is a rapid stream: dangerous
crossing here!
Atque ecastor apud hunc fluvium aliquid perdundumst tibi.
manum da et sequere.
(_aside_) My conscience, yes! And a stream you're bound to
lose something in, young man! (_aloud_) Give me your hand
and come along. (_tries to take it_)
Aha, minime.
(_drawing back_) Oh no, not a bit of it!
Quid ita?
Why not?
Quia istoc inlecebrosius
fieri nil potest: nox mulier vinum homini adulescentulo.
Because a young fellow couldn't be offered a more enticing
combination than that--wine, woman, and evening hours.
Age igitur, equidem pol nihili facio nisi causa tua.
ille quidem hanc abducet; tu nullus adfueris, si non lubet. 90
All right then. Dear me, I don't mind at all except for your
sake, indeed I don't. To be sure he'll carry her off; but
don't you come near me if you don't like to. (_looks at him
sadly and appealingly_)
Sumne autem nihili, qui nequeam ingenio moderari meo?