de suo tigillo fumus si qua exit foras.
quin cum it dormitum, follem obstringit ob gulam.
That's a fact. Judge for yourself. Why, I tell you he begins
bawling for heaven and earth to witness that he's bankrupt,
gone to everlasting smash, the moment a puff of smoke from
his beggarly fire manages to get out of his house. Why, when
he goes to bed he strings a bag over his jaws.
What for?
Ne quid animae forte amittat dormiens.
So as not to chance losing any breath when he's asleep.
Etiamue obturat inferiorem gutturem,
ne quid animai forte amittat dormiens?
Oh yes! And he puts a stopper on his lower windpipe, doesn't
he, so as not to chance losing any breath while he's asleep?
Haec mihi te ut tibi med aequom est, credo, credere.
(_ingenuously_) You should believe me, I believe, just
as I should believe you.
Immo equidem credo.
(_hurriedly_) Oh, no, no! I do believe, of course!
At scin etiam quomodo?
aquam hercle plorat, cum lavat, profundere.
But listen to this, will you? Upon my word, after he takes a
bath it just breaks him all up to throw away the water.
Censen talentum magnum exorari pote
ab istoc sene ut det, qui fiamus liberi? 310
D'ye think the old buck could be induced to make us a
present of a couple of hundred pounds to buy ourselves off
Famem hercle utendam si roges, numquam dabit.
quin ipsi pridem tonsor unguis dempserat:
collegit, omnia abstulit praesegmina.
Lord! He wouldn't make you a loan of his hunger, no sir, not
if you begged him for it. Why, the other day when a barber
cut his nails for him he collected all the clippings and
took 'em home.
Edepol mortalem parce parcum praedicas.
My goodness, he's quite a tight one, from what you say.
Censen vero adeo esse parcum et miserum vivere?
pulmentum pridem ei eripuit milvos:
homo ad praetorem plorabundus devenit;
infit ibi postulare plorans, eiulans,
ut sibi liceret milvom vadarier.
sescenta sunt quae memorem, si sit otium. 320
sed uter vestrorum est celerior? memora mihi.
Honest now, would you believe a man could be so tight and
live so