avit et mihi credidit, nequest deceptus in eo.
Even Periphanes, the rich trader from Rhodes, counted out
two hundred pounds to me when master was away and we were
all by ourselves,--he trusted me, and he wasn't deceived in
doing so, either.
I dare say.
Atque etiam tu quoque ipse. si esses percontatus
me ex aliis, scio pol crederes nunc quod fers.
Yes, and even you yourself, too, if you had only inquired
from others about me, I know you would trust me with what
you've got there, good Lord, yes!
Haud negassim.
(_icily_) I should be sorry to deny it._ (_motions Leonida
to lead the way to Demaenetus_)
(_Half an hour has elapsed._)
ENTER _Cleareta_ AND _Philaenium_ FROM THEIR HOUSE.
Nequeon ego ted interdictis facere mansuetem meis?
an ita tu es animata, ut qui matris expers imperio sies?
Have I no power to make you submit when I prohibit a thing?
Can it be that you feel inclined to rid yourself of your
mother's authority?
Ubi piem Pietatem, si istoc more moratam tibi
postulem placere, mater, mihi quo pacto praecipis?[14] (507)
How should I be showing myself duteous to Filial Duty,
mother, if I tried to please you by practising such
practices and doing as you prescribe?
Hocine est pietatem colere. matris imperium minuere? (509)
Is this regarding filial duty, to lessen a mother's
Neque quae recte faciunt culpo neque quae delinquont amo. 510
I don't find fault with mothers that do right, and I don't
like ones that do wrong.
Satis dicacula es amatrix.
A glib enough little hussy!
Mater, is quaestus mihi est:
lingua poscit, corpus quaerit; animus orat, res monet.
(_lightly_) All in my profession, mother: tongue asks,
body teases; fancy prompts, circumstances suggest.
Ego te volui castigare, tu mi accusatrix ades.
I intended to scold you, and here you are turning on me!
Neque edepol te accuso neque id me facere fas existimo.
verum ego meas queror fortunas, cum illo quem amo prohibeor.
Oh, no! I'm