verum istam amo. aliam tecum esse equidem facile possum perpeti.
Of course I know why you think my bearing toward you now
is melancholy, father,--because she's with you. And good
heavens, father, to tell you the truth, I--it does make me
miserable; not because I'm not eager to have your wishes
gratified; but I love that girl. If it was some other one,
I shouldn't mind at all, really I shouldn't.
At ego hanc volo.
I want this one, though.
Ergo sunt quae exoptas: mihi quae ego exoptem volo.
Well then, you've got your desire: I wish I could have the
same luck!
Unum hunc diem perpetere, quoniam tibi potestatem dedi,
cum hac annum ut esses, atque amanti argenti feci copiam.
Oh, you'll take it calmly this one day, now that I've given
you the chance to be with her for a year, and furnished
forth my young gallant with funds.
Em istoc me facto tibi devinxti.
Just the point! You have me bound hard and fast by that.
Quin te ergo hilarum das mihi? 849,850
Come then, surrender and be jolly, won't you?
V. 2.
Scene 2.
ENTER _Artemona_ AND _Parasite_ FROM HOUSE OF _Demaenetus_.
Ain tu meum virum his potare, obsecro, cum filio
et ad amicam detulisse argenti viginti minas
meoque filio sciente id facere flagitium patrem?
(_tempestuously_) What's that, for heaven's sake,--my
husband carousing here with his son, and brought eighty
pounds to a mistress, and my son conniving at such an
outrage on the part of his father, his father?
Neque divini neque mi humani posthac quicquam accreduas,
Artemona, si huius rei me esse mendacem inveneris.
Never trust me in another thing divine or human, madam, if
you find I have misinformed you in this.
At scelesta ego praeter alios meum virum[29] frugi rata,
siccum, frugi, continentem, amantem uxoris maxume.
But oh dear me! I thought my husband was the very paragon
of men, a sober man, a worthy, moral man that loved his wife
At nunc dehinc scito illum ante omnes minimi mortalem preti,
madidum, nihili, incontinentem atque osorem uxoris suae.
But from now on you must realize that he is the very scum of
the earth, a toping man, a worthles