. 326-329,)--a work
in which the author, by the publication of original documents, and his
own sagacious commentary, has done much for the illustration of this
portion of English history.
[88] Florez, Reynas Catholicas, tom. II. p. 890.
[89] Philip would have preferred that Charles should carry out his
original design, by taking Mary for his own wife. But he acquiesced,
without a murmur, in the choice his father made for him. Mignet quotes a
passage from a letter of Philip to the emperor on this subject, which
shows him to have been a pattern of filial obedience. The letter is
copied by Gonzales in his unpublished work, Retiro y Estancia de Carlos
Quinto.--"Y que pues piensan proponer su matrimonio con Vuestra
Magestad, hallandose en disposicion para ello, esto seria lo mas
acertado. Pero en caso que Vuestra Magestad esta en lo que me escribe y
le pareciere tratar de lo que a mi toca, ya Vuestra Magestad sabe que,
como tan obediente hijo, no he tener mas voluntad que la suya; cuanto
mas siendo este negocio de importancia y calidad que es. Y asi me ha
parecido remitirlo a Vuestra Magestad para que en toda haya lo que le
pareciera, y fuere servido." Mignet, Charles-Quint, p. 76.
[90] "Higo en esto lo que un Isaac dexandose sacrificar por hazer la
voluntad de su padre, y por el bien de la Iglesia." Sandoval, Hist. de
Carlos V., tom. II. p. 557.
[91] A single diamond in the ornament which Philip sent his queen was
valued at eighty thousand crowns.--"Una joya que don Filipe le enbiaba,
en que avia un diamante de valor de ochenta mil escudos." Cabrera,
Filipe Segundo, lib. I. cap. 4.
[92] Letter of Lord Edmund Dudley to the Lords of the Council, MS. This
document, with other MSS. relating to this period, was kindly furnished
to me by the late lamented Mr. Tytler, who copied them from the
originals in the State Paper Office.
The young Lord Herbert mentioned in the text became afterwards that earl
of Pembroke who married, for his second wife, the celebrated sister of
Sir Philip Sidney, to whom he dedicated the "Arcadia,"--less celebrated,
perhaps, from this dedication, than from the epitaph on her monument, by
Ben Jonson, in Salisbury Cathedral.
[93] Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. I. cap. 4.--Florez, Reynas
Catholicas, tom. II. p. 873.--Memorial des Voyages du Roi, MS.
[94] "Y prevenida de que los Embajadores se quejaban, pretextando que no
sabian si hablaban con la Princesa; levantaba el manto al empezar la