in a sensible and business-like manner, more often
found among the Jesuits than among the members of the other orders. It
is not surprising that the harsher features of the portrait should be
smoothed down under the friendly hand of the Jesuit commemorating the
deeds of the great champion of Catholicism.
A French life of the duke, printed some thirty years later, is only a
translation of the preceding, Histoire de Ferdinand-Alvarez de Toledo,
Duc d'Albe (Paris, 1699). A work of more pretension is entitled Resultas
de la Vida de Fernando Alvarez tercero Duque de Alva, escrita por Don
Juan Antonio de Vera y Figueroa, Conde de la Roca (1643). It belongs,
apparently, to a class of works not uncommon in Spain, in which vague
and uncertain statements take the place of simple narrative, and the
writer covers up his stilted panegyric with the solemn garb of moral
[144] Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 27.--Consulta hecha a
varios letrados y teologos relativamente a las desavenencias con el
Papa, MS. This document is preserved in the archives of Simancas.
[145] Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.--Andrea,
Guerra da Campana de Roma, (Madrid, 1589,) p. 14.--Summonte, Historia di
Napoli, tom. IV. p. 270.
The most circumstantial printed account of this war is to be found in
the work of Alessandro Andrea, a Neapolitan. It was first published in
Italian, at Venice, and subsequently translated by the author into
Castilian, and printed at Madrid. Andrea was a soldier of some
experience, and his account of these transactions is derived partly from
personal observation, and partly, as he tells us, from the most
accredited witnesses. The Spanish version was made at the suggestion of
one of Philip's ministers,--pretty good evidence that the writer, in his
narrative, had demeaned himself like a loyal subject.
[146] Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 25.--Carta del Duque de
Alba a la Gobernadora, 8 de Setiembre, 1556, MS.
"In tal mode, non solo veniva a mitigar l'asprezze, che portava seco
l'occupar le Terre dello stato ecclesiastico, ma veniva a sparger semi
di discordia, e di sisma, fra li Cardinali, ed il Papa, tentando
d'alienarli da lui, e mostrargli verso di loro riverenza, e rispetto."
Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.
[147] Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.
[148] "Stava intrepido, parlando delle cose appartenenti a quel'uffizio,
come se