lib. I. p. 52.
[408] "Sed etiam habitus quidam corporis incessusque, quo non tam femina
sortita viri spiritus, quam vir ementitus veste feminam videretur."
Ibid., ubi supra.
[409] "Nec deerat aliqua mento superiorique labello barbula: ex qua
virilis ei non magis species, quam auctoritas conciliabatur. Immo, quod
raro in mulieres, nec nisi in praevalidas cadit, podagra idemtidem
laborabat." Ibid., p. 53.
[410] "Ob eam causam singulis annis, tum in sanctiori hebdomada,
duodenis pauperibus puellis pedes (quos a sordibus purgatos ante
vetuerat) abluebat." Ibid., ubi supra.
[411] Ibid., pp. 46-53, 543.--Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. V. cap.
2.--Vandervynckt, Troubles des Pays-Bas, tom. II. p. 13.
[412] Vandervynckt, Troubles des Pays-Bas, tom. II. p. 21.
[413] Bentivoglio, Guerra di Fiandra, p. 27 et seq.--Cabrera, Filipe
Segundo, lib. V. cap. 2.--Strada, De Bello Belgico, lib. I. p.
57.--Vandervynckt, Troubles des Pays-Bays, tom. II. p. 22.--Meteren,
Hist. des Pays-Bas, fol. 24.--Schiller, Abfall der Niederlande, p. 84.
[414] "Je confesse que je fus tellement esmeu de pitie et de compassion
que des lors j'entrepris a bon escient d'ayder a faire chasser cette
vermine d'Espaignols hors de ce Pays." Apology of the Prince of Orange,
ap. Dumont, Corps Diplomatique, tom. V. p. 392.
[415] "Que le Roi et son Conseil avoyent arreste que tous ceux qui
avoient consenti et signe la Requeste, par laquelle on demandoit que la
Gendarmerie Espaignolle s'en allast, qu'on auroit souvenance de les
chastier avec le temps, et quand la commodite s'en presenteroit, et
qu'il les en advertissoit comme amy." Meteren, Hist. des Pays-Bas, fol.
[416] "Che egli voleva piuttosto restar senza regni, che possedergli con
l'eresia." Bentivoglio, Guerra di Fiandra, p. 31.
[417] Ranke, Spanish Empire, p. 81.--Schiller, Abfall der Niederlande,
p. 85.--Bentivoglio, Guerra di Fiandra, p. 27.--- Strada, De Bello
Belgico, p. 57.--Meteren, Hist. des Pays-Bas, fol. 25.
[418] The existence of such a confidential body proved a fruitful source
of disaster. The names of the parties who composed it are not given in
the instructions to the regent, which leave all to her discretion.
According to Strada, however, the royal will in the matter was plainly
intimated by Philip. (De Bello Belgico, tom. I. p. 57.) Copies of the
regent's commission, as well as of two documents, the one indorsed as
"private," the other as "secret" instructions, and all t