3.--Sepulveda, De Rebus
Gestis Philippi II., Opera, tom. III. p. 53.--Leti, Vita di Filippo II.,
tom. I. p. 335.
[434] The editors of the "Documentos Ineditos para la Historia de
Espana," in a very elaborate notice of the prosecution of Archbishop
Carranza, represent the literary intercourse between the German and
Spanish Protestants as even more extensive than it is stated to be in
the text. According to them, a regular _depot_ was established at Medina
del Campo and Seville, for the sale of the forbidden books at very low
rates. "De las imprentas de Alemania se despachaban a Flandes, y desde
alli a Espana, al principio por los puertos de mar, y despues cuando ya
hubo mas vigilancia de parte del gobierno, los enviaban a Leon de
Francia desde donde se introducian en la peninsula por Navarra y Aragon.
Un tal Vilman librero de Amberes tenia tienda en Medina del Campo y en
Sevilla donde vendia las obras de los protestantes en espanol y latin.
Estos libros de Francfort se daban a buen mercado para que circulasen
con mayor facilidad." Documentos Ineditos, tom. V. p. 399.
[435] For the preceding pages see Llorente, Histoire de l'Inquisition
d'Espagne, tom. II p. 282; tom. III. pp. 191, 258.--Montanus, Discovery
and playne Declaration of sundry subtill Practises of the Holy
Inquisition of Spayne, (London, 1569,) p. 73.--Sepulveda, Opera, tom.
III. p. 54.
[436] Llorente, Hist, de l'Inquisition d'Espagne, tom. I. pp. 470, 471;
tom. II. pp. 183, 184, 215-217.
[437] McCrie, History of the Reformation in Spain, (Edinburgh, 1829,) p.
243.--Relacion del Auto que se hico en Valladolid el dia de la
Sanctissima Trinidad, Ano de 1559, MS.
[438] The reader curious in the matter will find a more particular
account of the origin and organization of the modern Inquisition in the
"History of Ferdinand and Isabella," part I. cap. 9.
[439] See the Register of such as were burned at Seville and Valladolid,
in 1559, ap. Montanus, Discovery of sundry subtill Practises of the
Inquisition.--Relacion del Auto que se hico en Valladolid el dia de la
Sanctissima Trinidad, 1559, MS.--Sepulveda, Opera, tom. III. p. 58.
[440] McCrie, Reformation in Spain, p. 274.
[441] De Castro, Historia de los Protestantes Espanoles, (Cadiz, 1851,)
p. 177.
[442] "Nous recommandons de le traiter avec bonte et misericorde."
Llorente, Inquisition d'Espagne, tom. II. p. 253.
[443] Colmenares, Historia de Segovia, cap. XLII. sec. 3.--Cabrera,
Filipe Se