amigo de cortarse el mismo lo que comia, aunque ni tenia
buenas ni desembueltas las manos, ni los dientes." Siguenca, Orden de
San Geronimo, parte III. p. 192.
[295] De Thou, Hist. Universelle, tom. III. p. 293.
[296] "Quando comia, leya el confesor una leccion de San Augustin." El
Perfecto Desengano, MS.
[297] Strada, De Bello Belgico, tom. I. p. 15.--Vera y Figueroa, Vida y
Hechos de Carlos V., p. 123.--Siguenca, Orden de San Geronimo, parte
III. p. 195.
The last writer is minute in his notice of the imperial habits and
occupations at Yuste. Siguenca was prior of the Escorial; and in that
palace-monastery of the Jeronymites he must have had the means of
continually conversing with several of his brethren who had been with
Charles in his retirement. His work, which appeared at the beginning of
the following century, has become rare,--so rare that M. Gachard was
obliged to content himself with a few manuscript extracts, from the
difficulty of procuring the printed original. I was fortunate enough to
obtain a copy, and a very fine one, through my booksellers, Messrs.
Rich, Brothers, London,--worthy sons of a sire who for thirty years or
more stood preeminent for sagacity and diligence among the collectors of
rare and valuable books.
[298] "Mando pregonar en los lugares comarcanos que so pena de cien
acotes muger alguna no passasse de un humilladero que estasa como dos
tiros de ballesta del Monasterio." Sandoval, Hist. de Carlos V., tom.
II. p. 612; and Sandoval's _double_, Valparayso, El Perfecto Desengano,
[299] "Si alguno se errava dezia consigo mismo: O _hideputa bermejo_,
que aquel erro, o otro nombre semejante." Sandoval, Hist. de Carlos V.,
tom. II. p. 613.
I will not offend ears polite by rendering it in English into
corresponding Billingsgate. It is but fair to state that the author of
the Perfecto Desengano puts no such irreverent expression into Charles's
mouth. Both, however, profess to follow the MS. of the Prior Angulo.
[300] "Non aspernatur exercitationes campestres, in quem usum paratam
habet tormentariam rhedam, ad essedi speciem, praecellenti arte, et miro
studio proximis hisce mensibus a se constructam." Lettres sur la Vie
Interieure de l'Empereur Charles-Quint, ecrites par Guillaume van Male,
gentilhomme de sa chambre, et publiees, pour la premiere fois, par le
Baron de Reiffenberg, (Bruxelles, 1843, 4to,) ep. 8.
[301] "Interdum ligneos passerculos emisit cubiculo volantes