mighty dead
seemed to rule again in his last home. A few lines from the pages of the
English tourist will bring the scene more vividly before the reader than
the colder description in the text. "As the windows were thrown wide
open to admit the cool thyme-scented breeze, the eye in the clear
evening swept over the boundless valley; and the nightingales sang
sweetly, in the neglected orange-garden, to the bright stars reflected
like diamonds in the black tank below us. How often had Charles looked
out, on a stilly eve, on this selfsame and unchanged scene, where he
alone was now wanting!" Handbook of Spain, p. 553.
[288] Carta de Martin de Gaztelu al Secretario Vazquez, 5 de Febrero,
1557, MS.
[289] Their names and vocations are specified in the codicil executed by
Charles a few days before his death. See the document entire, ap.
Sandoval, Hist. de Carlos V., tom. II. p. 662.
A more satisfactory list has been made out by the indefatigable Gachard
from various documents which he collected, and which have furnished him
with the means of correcting the orthography of Sandoval, miserably
deficient in respect to Flemish names. See Retraite et Mort de
Charles-Quint, tom. I. p. 1.
[290] "Las vistas de las piecas de su magestad no son muy largas, sino
cortas, y las que se veen, o es una montana de piedras grandes, o unos
montes de robles no muy altos. Campo llano no le ay, ni como podesse
pasear, que sea por un camino estrecho y lleno de piedra. Rio yo no vi
ninguno, sino un golpe de agua que baza de la montana: huerta en casa ay
una pequena y de pocos naranjos....... El aposento baxo no es nada
alegre, sino muy triste, y como es tan baxo, creo sera humido.......
Esto es lo que me parece del aposento y sitio de la casa y grandissima
soledad." Carta de Luis Quixada a Juan Vazquez, 30 de Noviembre, 1556,
The major-domo concludes by requesting Vazquez not to show it to his
mistress, Joanna, the regent, as he would not be thought to run counter
to the wishes of the emperor in anything.
[291] "Plegue a Dios que los pueda sufrir, que no sera poco, segun
suelen ser todos muy importunos, y mas los que saben menos." Carta de
Martin de Gaztelu, MS.
[292] "Llamando al Emperador _paternidad_, de que luego fue advertido de
otro frayle que estava a su lado, y acudio con _magestad_." Ibid.
[293] "Emperador semper augusto de Alemania."
[294] His teeth seem to have been in hardly better condition than his