Zelandia, viri omnium fere rerum suarum curam uxoribus saepe relinquant."
Ibid., p. 58.
[385] "Majori gentis parti nota Grammaticae rudimenta, et vel ipsi etiam
rustici legendi scribendique periti sunt." Ibid., p. 53.
Guicciardini, who states this remarkable fact, had ample opportunity for
ascertaining the truth of it, since, though an Italian by birth, he
resided in the Netherlands for forty years or more.
[386] Schiller, Abfall der Niederlande, p. 53.--Vandervynckt, Histoire
des Troubles des Pays-Bas, (Bruxelles, 1822,) tom. II. p. 6.--Groen Van
Prinsterer, Archives ou Correspondance Inedite de la Maison
d'Orange-Nassau, (Leide, 1841,) tom. I. p. 164*
[387] The whole number of "placards" issued by Charles the Fifth
amounted to eleven. See the dates in Gachard, Correspondance de Philippe
II. sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas, (Bruxelles, 1848,) tom. I. pp. 105,
[388] "Le _fer_, la _fosse_, et le _feu_." Ibid., ubi supra.
[389] Meteren, Histoire des Pays-Bas, ou Recueil des Guerres et Choses
memorables, depuis l'An 1315, jusques a l'An 1612, traduit de Flamend,
(La Haye, 1618,) fol. 10.--Brandt, History of the Reformation in the Low
Countries, translated from the Dutch, (London, 1720,) vol. I. p. 88.
[390] Correspondance de Philippe II., tom. I. p. 108.--Grotius, Annales
et Historiae de Rebus Belgicis, (Amstelaedami, 1657,) p. 11.--Brandt,
Reformation in the Low Countries, vol. I. p. 88.
[391] Viglius, afterwards president of the privy council, says plainly,
in one of his letters to Granvelle, that the name of _Spanish_
Inquisition was fastened on the Flemish, in order to make it odious to
the people. "Queruntur autem imprimis, a nobis novam inductam
inquisitionem, quam vocant Hispanicam. Quod falso populo a quibusdam
persuadetur, ut nomine ipso rem odiosam reddant, cum nulla alia ab
Caesare sit instituta inquisitio, quam ea, quae cum jure scripto scilicet
Canonico, convenit, et usitata antea fuit in hac Provincia." Viglii
Epistolae Selectae, ap. Hoynck, Analecta Belgica, (Hagae Comitum, 1743,)
tom. II. pars I. p. 349.
[392] Grotius swells the number to one hundred thousand! (Annales, p.
12.) It is all one; beyond a certain point of the incredible, one ceases
to estimate probabilities.
[393] Histoire de l'Inquisition d'Espagne, (Paris, 1818,) tom. I. p.
[394] Correspondance de Philippe II., tom. I. pp. 123. 124.
[395] "Donde che l'Imperatore ha potuto cavare in 24 millioni d'oro _in