rom errors in diet, a change of climate and occupation should be
made, together with a readjustment of the daily habits, such as
substituting a cool bath for the regular hot one, and sleeping out of
doors or on a sleeping porch instead of in a poorly ventilated
The patient must be urged to eat, regardless of appetite, for in this
way only can the body weight be increased. The dietary must be made up
largely of the fat-forming foods, but not to such an extent as to
upset the nitrogen equilibrium.
The following diet sheet is given to be used as a guide in the
treatment of emaciation. Other foods of a similar composition and fuel
value may be substituted for those given here, to vary the diet.
_Approximately 5106 calories_
A _Protein Gm._
B _Carbohydrate Gm._
C _Fat Gm._
D _Total Calories_
_Material_ | _Amount_ | A | B | C | D
Breakfast: | | | | |
Stewed prunes |6 prunes | 1.02 | 35.26 | | 145.
Sugar |1 tbs. | | 14.7 | | 56.6
Oatmeal |1 tbs. (dry) }| | | |
with cream and |2 tbs. cream }| 3.2 | 25.0 | 6.6 | 172.2
sugar |1 tbs. sugar }| | | |
Poached egg |1 egg | 5.35 | | 4.16 | 58.8
Toast |3 slices }| | | |
Butter |1 tbs. }| 7.9 | 44.7 | 13.0 | 328.
Coffee |1 cup | | | |
with cream and |1 tbs. cream | .40 | .40 | 2.8 | 53.9
sugar |2 tsp. | | 9.45 | |
Milk and cream |2/3 cup milk }| | | |
|1/3 cup cream }| | | | 389.
| | | | |
11 A.M. | | | | |
Cereal milk gruel | 8 oz. (1 cup) }| | | |
with cream | 1 ounce }| | | | 248.
| | | | |
Lunch, 1 P.M. | | | | |
Cream of pea soup | 8 oz. (1 cup) | 6. | 17.65 | 7.66 | 185.9
Potato salad