_quatrieme_--fourth class.
16, 21. "_Notre Pere, ... les replies les plus profonds de nos
coeurs_"--"Our Father, who art in heaven, Thou whose
searching glance penetrates even to the inmost recesses of
our hearts."
16, 24. "_au nom du Pere, du Fils, et du St. Esprit, ainsi
soit-il!_"--"in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Ghost, so be it!"
18, 21. _concierge_--janitor.
_croquets_--crisp almond cakes.
18, 22. _blom-boudingues_--plum puddings.
_pains d'epices_--gingerbreads.
_sucre-d'orge_--barley sugar.
18, 23. _nougat_--almond cake.
_pate de guimauve_--marshmallow paste.
_pralines_--burnt almonds.
18, 30. _le pere et la mere_--father and mother.
19, 2. _corps de logis_--main buildings.
19, 13. _la table des grands_--the big boys' table.
_la table des petits_--the little boys' table.
19, 27. _brouet noir des Lacedemoniens_--the black broth of the
20, 25. _A la retenue_--To be kept in.
20, 29. _barres traversieres_--crossbars.
20, 30. _la raie_--leap-frog.
21, 14. _rentiers_--stockholders.
21, 20. _Classe d'Histoire de France au moyen age_--Class of the
History of France during the Middle Ages.
21, 27. _trente-septieme legere_--thirty-seventh light infantry.
22, 13. _nous avons change tout cela!_--we have changed all that!
22, 16. _representant du peuple_--representative of the people.
22, 19. _les nobles_--the nobles.
22, 27. _par parenthese_--by way of parenthesis.
22, 30. _lingerie_--place where linen is kept.
24, 30. _Berthe aux grands pieds_--Bertha of the big feet. (She was
the mother of Charlemagne, and is mentioned in the poem
that Du Maurier elsewhere calls "that never to be
translated, never to be imitated lament, the immortal
'Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis'" of Francois Villon.)
25, 23. _Allee du Bois de Boulogne_--Lane of the Bois de Boulogne.
25, 28. _pensionnat_--boarding-school.
28, 4. _la belle Madame de Ronsvic_--the beautiful Lady Runswick.
28, 33. _deuxieme Spahis_--second Spahi regiment.
30, 4. _Mare aux Biches_--The Roes Pool.
30, 14. _la main si malheureuse_--such an unfortunate hand.
31. 2. _La Dieppoise_--a dance of Dieppe.
31, 5. "_Beuvons, donc_," etc.
"Let's drink, drink, drink