ght in it."
106, 29. "_C'etait dans la nuit brune_," etc.
"'Twas in the dusky night
On the yellowed steeple,
The moon,
Like a dot on an i!"
108, 17. _en flagrant delit_--in the very act.
109, 4. _la perfide Albion_--perfidious Albion.
109, 8. "_A bas Dumollard!_"--"Down with Dumollard!"
109, 17. _l'etude entiere_--the whole school.
109, 19. "_Est-ce toi?_"--"Is it thou?"
109, 23. "_Non, m'sieur, ce n'est pas moi!_"--"No, sir, it isn't
110, 17. "_Parce qu'il aime les Anglais, ma foi--affaire de
gout!_"--"Because he likes the English, in faith--a matter of
110, 19. "_Ma foi, il n'a pas tort!_"--"In faith, he's not wrong!"
110, 24.
"_Non! jamais en France,
Jamais Anglais ne regnera!_"
"No! never in France,
Never shall Englishman reign!"
111, 5. _au piquet pour une heure_--in the corner for an hour.
_a la retenue_--kept in.
111, 6. _prive de bain_--not to go swimming.
_consigne dimanche prochain_--kept in next Sunday.
111, 9. _de mortibus nil desperandum_--an incorrect version of _de
mortuis nil nisi bonum_: of the dead nothing but good.
111, 27. _avec des gens du monde_--with people in society.
111, 34. _et, ma foi, le sort a favorise M. le Marquis_--and, in
faith, fortune favored M. le Marquis.
112, 9. _vous etes un paltoquet et un rustre_--you are a clown and
a boor.
112, 18. _classe de geographie ancienne_--class of ancient
112, 25. "_Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes!_"--"I fear the Greeks even
when they bear gifts!"
114, 3. "_Le troisieme coup fait feu, vous savez_"--"The third blow
strikes fire, you know."
114, 23. _tisanes_--infusions.
114, 31. "_C'est moi qui voudrais ... comme il est poli_"--"It's
myself that would like to have the mumps here. I should
delay my convalescence as much as possible!"
"How well your uncle knows French, and how polite he is!"
116, 13. _Nous avons tous passe par la_--We have all been through
116, 33. "_Te rappelles-tu ... du pere Jaurion?_"--"Do you recall
Berquin's new coat and his high-hat?"
"Do you remember father Jaurion's old angora cat?"
118, 7. "_Paille a Dine_," etc., is literally:
"Straw for Dine--straw for Chine--
Straw for Suzette and Marti