178, 23. _plage_--beach.
178, 30. _dame de comptoir_--the lady at the counter.
178, 33. _demi-tasse_--small cup of coffee.
_petit-verre_--small glass of brandy.
180, 13. _avec tant d'esprit_--so wittily.
180, 14. _rancune_--grudge.
181, 14. _bon raconteur_--good story-teller.
181, 16. "_La plus belle fille ... ce qu'elle a!_"--"The fairest
girl in the world can give only what she has!"
182, 5._ comme tout un chacun sait_--as each and every one knows.
182, 24. _Tout ca, c'est de l'histoire ancienne_--that's all ancient
183, 8. "_tres bel homme ... que joli garcon hein?_"--"fine man,
Bob; more of the fine man than the handsome fellow, eh?"
183, 12. _Mes compliments_--My compliments.
183, 19. "_Ca y est, alors! ... a ton bonheur!_"--"So it's settled,
then! I congratulate you beforehand, and I keep my tears
for when you have gone. Let us go and dine at Babet's: I
long to drink to your welfare!"
184, 1. _atelier_--art studio.
184, 6. _le Beau Josselin_--the handsome Josselin.
184, 33. _serrement de coeur_--heart burning.
185, 22. _Marche aux oeufs_--Egg Market.
186, 4. "_Malines_" or "_Louvain_"--Belgian beers.
186, 25. "_Oui; un nomme Valteres_"--"Yes; one called Valteres"
(French pronunciation of Walters).
186, 28. "_Parbleu, ce bon Valteres--je l'connais bien!_"--"Zounds,
good old Walters--I know him well!"
188, 26. _primo tenore_--first tenor.
188, 29. _Guides_--a Belgian cavalry regiment.
188, 32. _Cercle Artistique_--Art Club.
191, 1. "_O celeste haine_," etc.
"O celestial hate,
How canst thou be appeased?
O human suffering,
Who can cure thee?
My pain is so heavy
I wish it would kill me--
Such is my desire.
"Heart-broken by thought,
Weary of compassion,
To hear no more,
Nor see, nor feel,
I am ready to give
My parting breath--
And this is my desire.
"To know nothing more,
Nor remember myself--
Never again to rise,
Nor go to sleep--
No longer to be,
But to have done--
That is my desire!"
191, 23. _Fleur de Ble_--Corn-flower.
192, 31. "_Vous allez a Blankenberghe, mossie?_"--"You go to
Blankenberghe, sah?"
193, 1. "_Je souis bien