Of this, the best wine in the world ...
Let's drink, drink, drink then
Of this, the very best wine!
For if I didn't drink it,
I might get the pip!
Which would make me...."
31, 13. "_Ah, mon Dieu! quel amour d'enfant! Oh! gardons-le!_"--"Ah,
my Lord! what a love of a child! Oh! let us keep him!"
32, 5. _caeteris paribus_--other things being equal.
34, 19. _a propos_--seasonable.
35, 3. _chaire_--master's raised desk.
35, 6. _recueillement_--contemplation.
35, 11. "_Non, m'sieur, je n'dors pas. J' travaille._"--"No, sir,
I'm not asleep. I'm working."
36, 1. _a la porte_--to leave the room.
36, 14. _On demande Monsieur Josselin au parloir_--Mr. Josselin is
Wanted in the parlor.
36, 24. _pensum_--a task.
36, 31. _maitre de mathematiques_ (_et de cosmographie_)--teacher
of mathematics (and cosmography).
37, 17. _Mes compliments_--My compliments.
38, 5. "_Quelquefois je sais ... il n'y a pas a s'y
tromper!_"--"Sometimes I know--sometimes I don't--but when
I know, I know, and there is no mistake about it!"
38, 18. "_A l'amandier!_"--"At the almond-tree!"
38, 21. _la balle au camp_--French baseball.
39, 6. _aussi simple que bonjour_--as easy as saying good-day.
40, 17. "_C'etait pour Monsieur Josselin._"--"It was for Mr.
41, 11. _quorum pars magna fui_--of which I was a great part.
41, 16. _bourgeois gentilhomme_--citizen gentleman. (The title of
one of Moliere's comedies in which M. Jourdain is the
principal character.)
42, 29. _Dis donc_--Say now.
43, 4. "_Ma foi, non! c'est pas pour ca!_"--"My word, no! it isn't
for that!"
43, 5. "_Pourquoi, alors?_"--"Why, then?"
43, 21. _Jolivet trois_--the third Jolivet.
44, 2. _au rabais_--at bargain sales.
44, 32. "_Comme c'est bete, de s'battre, hein?_"--"How stupid it is
to fight, eh?"
45, 9. _tuum et meum_--thine and mine.
45, 19. _magnifique_--magnificent.
45, 32. _La quatrieme Dimension_--The fourth Dimension.
46, 14. _Etoiles mortes_--Dead Stars.
46, 15. _Les Trepassees de Francois Villon_--The Dead of Francois
46, 29. _Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees_--School of Bridges and
47, 8. _en cachette_--in hiding.
_Quelle sacree pose!_--What a damned bluff!