azed in minde and
halfe out of his wits, as afterwards wee perceiued: for whether he was put
in fright of vs, not knowing at first what we were, whether friends or
foes, or of sudden ioy when he vnderstand we were his olde consorts and
countreymen, hee became idle-headed, and for eight dayes space neither
night nor day tooke any naturall rest, and so at length died for lacke of
sleepe. [Marginal note: A miraculous effect of extreme feare or extreme
ioy.] Here two of our men, whereof the one was diseased with the skuruie,
and the other had bene nine moneths sicke of the fluxe, in short time while
they were on the Iland, recouered their perfect health. We found in this
place great store of very holesome and excellent good greene figs, orenges,
and lemons very faire, abundance of goates and hogs, and great plentie of
partriges, Guiniecocks, and other wilde foules. [Marginal note: The
description of the commodities of the ile of santa Helena.] Our mariners
somewhat discontented being now watered and hauing some prouision of fish,
contrary to the will of the capitaine, would straight home. The capitaine
because he was desirous to goe for Phernambuc in Brasil, granted their
request. And about the 12 of Aprill 1593. we departed from S. Helena, and
directed our course for the place aforesayd. The next day our capitaine
calling vpon the sailers to finish a foresaile which they had in hand, some
of them answered that vnlesse they might goe directly home, they would lay
their hands to nothing; whereupon he was constrained to folow their humour.
And from thence-foorth we directed our course for our countrey, which we
kept vntill we came 8 degrees to the Northward of the Equinoctiall,
betweene which 8 degrees and the line, we spent some sixe weekes, with many
calme and contrary winds at North, and sometimes to the Eastward, and
sometimes to the Westward: which losse of time and expense of our victuals,
whereof we had very smal store, made vs doubt to keepe our course and some
of our men growing into a mutinie threatned to breake vp other mens chests,
to the ouerthrow of our victuals and all our selues, for euery man had his
share of his victuals before in his owne custody, that they might be sure
what to trust to, and husband it more thriftily. [Sidenote: The gulfe of
Paria, or Bocca del Dragone passed.] Our captaine seeking to preuent this
mischiefe, being aduertised by one of our companie which had bene at the
Ile of Trinidada in M.