e came
aboord againe, and presently we vnrigged the Carauell, and set her on fire
before the towne. Then we set saile and went along the coast, where we saw
a Date tree, the like whereof is not in all that coast vpon the water side,
also we fell on ground a litle in one place: [Sidenote: Villa longa.] Thus
we went to Villa longa, and there ankered.
[Sidenote: Rio de Lagoa.] The third we were as far shot as Rio de Lagoa,
where our marchants went a shore and vpon the barre they found 3 fadom
flat, but they went not in because it was late. There is also to the
Eastward of this riuer a Date tree higher than all the rest of the other
trees thereabout. Thus we went along the coast, and euery night ankered,
and al the shore as we went was full of trees and thicke woods.
[Sidenote: The riuer Iaya.] The 6 day in the morning it was very foggy, so
that we could not see the land, and at three of the clocke in the
afternoone it cleared vp, and then we found our selues thwart of the riuer
of Iaya, and when we found the shallow water, we bare into the sea South,
as we did the voyage before, and came to an ancre in fiue fadom water.
[Sidenote: The riuer Benin.] The next day we set saile againe, and towards
noone we were thwart of the riuer of Benin in foure fadom water.
The 10 day our Captaine went on land with the shallop at 2 a clocke in the
afternoone. All this weeke it was very foggy euery day vntill ten a clocke,
and all this time hitherto hath beene as temperate as our summer in
England. This day we went into the road and ankered, and the west point of
the road bare East northeast off vs, wee riding in foure fadome water.
[Sidenote: Goto.] The 21 a faire temperate day, this day M. Hassald went to
the towne of Goto, to heare newes of the Captaine.
The 23 came the Carauell, and Samuell in her, and she brought 63 Elephants
teeth, and three bullocks.
The 28 a faire temperate day, and towards night there fell much raine,
lightning, and thunder, this day our boate came aboord from Goto.
The 24 of Februarie, we tooke in 298 Cerons or sackes of pepper, and 4
Elephants teeth, and the winde was at Southeast. And the 26 we put the rest
of our goods into the Carauell, and M. Hassald went with her to Goto.
The 5 of March the Carauel came againe and brought 21 Cerons of pepper, and
4 Elephants teeth.
The 9 of Aprill our Carauell came aboord with water for our prouision for
the sea, and this day also we lost our shallope.