sand, and shortly
after we had sight of the lands end, and at ten of the clocke we were
thwart of the Lysart.
The 13 we were put into Dartmouth, and there we stayd vntill the 12 of
December. From thence we put out with the winde at West, and the 18 of
December, God be praised, we ankered at Limehouse in the Thames, where we
discharged 589 sacks of Pepper, 150 Elephants teeth, and 32 barrels of oile
of Palme trees.
The commodities that we caried out this second voyage were Broad cloth,
Kersies, Bayes, Linnen cloth, Yron vnwrought, Bracelets of Copper, Corall,
Hawks belles, Horsetails, Hats, and such like.
This voyage was more comfortable vnto vs then the first, because we had
good store of fresh water, and that very sweet: for as yet we haue very
good water in the shippe which we brought out of the riuer of Benin the
first day of Aprill 1591. and it is at this day (being the 7 of Iune 1592.)
to be seene aboord the ship as cleare and as sweet as any fountaine can
In this voyage we sailed 350 leagues within halfe a degree of the
equinoctiall line, and there we found it more temperate than where we rode.
[Marginal note: It is more temperate vnder the equinoctiall, then on the
coast of Guinie and Benin.] And vnder the line we did kill great store of
small Dolphines, and many other good fishes, and so did we all the way,
which was a very great refreshing vnto vs, and the fish neuer forsooke vs
vntil we were to the Northwards of the Ilands of Azores, and then we could
see no more fish, but God be thanked wee met with good company of our
countrey ships which were great comfort vnto vs, being fiue moneths before
at Sea without any companie. By me Iames Welsh master of the Richard of
Arundell, in both these voyages to the riuer of Benin.
* * * * *
An Aduertisement sent to Philip the second king of Spaine from Angola by
one Baltazar Almeida de Sousa, touching the state of the forsayd
countrey, written the 21 of May. 1591.
The 26 of Iuly I certified your maiestie by Iohn Frere de Bendanha your
majesties pay-master and commissioner, with the gouernour Paulo Dias, which
is lately deceased, of all things that happened the 28 of December in the
yere last past 1590. Now I thought it conuenient to aduertise your maiestie
what hath fallen out since that time, which is as foloweth. The gouernour
Luis Serrano encamped himselfe eight leagues from Cabasa, where the Negro
king dwelleth