iam Brayley, Gilbert Smith,
Nicholas Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn Yong, Richard Doderige, Anthony
Dassell, and Nicholas Turner, and such as from time to time, they, or the
most part of them, shall receiue into their societie and company, to be
traders with them, as is aforesaid, as they tender our fauour, and will
auoyde our high displeasure, and vpon paine of imprisonment of his or their
bodies, at our will and pleasure, and to lose and forfeit the ship or
shippes, and all the goods, wares, and marchandizes, wherewith they, or any
of them, shal, during the said terme of 10. yeres, trade, or trafique to or
from the said Countries, or any part thereof, according to the limitation
aboue mentioned, contrary to our expresse prohibition and restraint, in
that behalfe. And further, we do by these presents giue and graunt full
power and authoritie to the said William Braily, Gilbert Smith, Nicholas
Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn Yong, Richard Doderige, Anthony Dassell, and
Nicholas Turner, and to such other persons, as they shal receiue into their
society and company, to be traders with them, as is aforesaid, and the most
part of them, for the time being: that they, and euery of them, by
themselues, their factors, deputies, or assignes, shall and may, from time
to time, during the said terme of 10. yeres, attach, arrest, take, and
sease all, and all maner of ship, and ships, goods, wares, and marchandizes
whatsoeuer, which shall be brought from, or caried to the said coasts and
parts of Guinea afore limited, contrary to our will and pleasure, and the
true meaning of the same, declared and expressed in these our letters
patents. Of all and euery which said forfaitures whatsoeuer, the one third
part shall be vnto vs, our heires, and successors, and another thirde part
thereof we giue and graunt by these presents, for and towards the reliefe
of the saide Portugals continuing here vnder our protection, as is
aforesaid. And the other third part of al the same forfaitures, we do by
these presents, of our certaine knowledge and meere motion, for vs, our
heires and successors, giue and grant cleerely and wholy vnto the said
William Brayley, Gilbert Smith, Nicholas Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn Yong,
Richard Doderige, Anthony Dassel, and Nicholas Turner, and such other
persons, as they shall receiue into their societie, and company, as is
aforesaid. And these our letters patents, or the inrolment or
exemplification of the same, without any further