their pleasures, assemble and
meete together in any place or places conuenient, aswell within our citie
of Exeter, as elsewhere within this our Realme of England, or other our
dominions, during the said terme of ten yeere, to consult of, for, and
concerning the saide trade and trafique of marchandize, and from time to
time to make, ordaine, and stablish good, necessary, and reasonable orders,
constitutions, and ordinances, for, and touching the same trade. And al
such orders, constitutions, and ordinances so to be made, to put in vse and
execute, and them, or any of them, to alter, change, and make voyd, and, if
neede be, to make new, as at any time, during the said terme of ten yeeres,
to them, or the most part of them then trading, as is aforesaide, shall be
thought necessary and conuenient. Vnto all and euery which said orders,
constitutions, and ordinances, they, and euery of them, and all other
persons which shall hereafter be receiued into the saide societie and
Company, shall submit themselues, and shall well and duely obserue,
performe, and obey the same, so long as they shall stand in force, or else
shall pay and incurre such forfeitures, paines, and penalties, for the
breach thereof, and in such maner and forme, and to such vses and intents,
as by the saide orders, constitutions, and ordinances shall be assessed,
limitted and appointed. So alwayes, as the same orders, constitutions and
ordinances be not repugnant or contrary to the lawes, statutes, and
customes of this Realme of England, nor any penaltie to exceede the
reasonable forme of other penalties, assessed by the Company of our
Marchants, named Aduenturers. And to the intent that they onely, to whom
the said power and libertie of trafique and trade of marchandize is
graunted by these our letters patent aforesaid, and none others whatsoeuer,
without their speciall consent and license before had, shall, during the
said terme of ten yeeres, vse, or haue trade or trafique, with or for any
maner of goods or marchandizes, to and from the saide coastes or parts of
Guinea afore limited: Wee doe by these presents, by our royall and supreme
authoritie, straightly charge and commaund, that no person or persons
whatsoeuer, by themselues, or by their factors, or seruants, during the
said terme of 10. yeres, shall in any wise trade or trafique, for or with
any goods or marchandizes, to or from the said coasts and parts of Guinea
afore limitted, other then the said Will