Richard Doderide, Anthony Dassell and Nicholas Turner, and to euery
of them, and to such other our Subiects as they or the most part of them
shall thinke conuenient to receiue into their Company and society, to be
the traders with them into the said Contreis, that they and euery of them
by themselues or by their seruants or Factors and none others, shall and
may for and during the full space and terme of tenne yeeres next ensuing
the date of these presents, haue and enioy the free and whole trafique,
trade and feat of marchandise, to and from the said Northermost part of the
said Riuer, commonly called by the name of the Riuer of Senega: and from
and within that riuer all along the coast of Guinea, vnto the Southermost
part of the said Riuer, commonly called by the name of the Riuer of Gambra,
and within that Riuer also. And that they the said William Brayley, Gilbert
Smith, Nicholas Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn Yong, Richard Doderige, Anthony
Dassel and Nicholas Turner, and euery of them, by themselues or by their
seruants or Factors, and such as they or the most part of them shall
receiue into their Company and societie, to be traders with them into the
sayd Countreis (as is aforesaid) and none others, shall and may, for, and
during the said space and terme of 10. yeres, haue and enioy the sole and
whole trafique or trade of marchandize into and from the said places afore
limitted and described, for the buying and selling, bartering and changing
of and with any goods, wares, and marchandizes whatsoeuer, to be vented had
or found, at or within any the cities, townes, or places situated or being
in the countries, partes and coastes of Guinea before limitted, any law,
statute, or graunt, matter, custome or priuileges to the contrary in any
wise notwithstanding. And for the better ordering, establishing, and
gouerning of the said societie and Company in the said trade and trafique
of marchandizes, and the quiet, orderly, and lawfull exercise of the same,
We for vs, our heires, and successors, do by these presents giue and graunt
full license and authority vnto the said William Brayley, Gilbert Smith,
Nicholas Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn Yong, Richard Doderige, Anthonie
Dassell, and Nicholas Turner, and to such others as they shall receiue into
their saide societie and company to be traders into the said countreis, as
is aforesaid, and to euery of them, that they or the most part of them
shall and may at all conuenient times at