Guinea, 1588.
Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland,
defender of the faith, &c. To our Treasurer and Admirral of England, our
Treasurer and Barons of our Exchequer, and all and euery our Officers,
ministers and subiects whatsoeuer, greeting. Whereas our welbeloued
subiects William Brayley, Gilbert Smith, Nicolas Spicer, and Iohn Doricot
of our City of Exeter marchants, Iohn Yong of Coliton in our county of
Deuon marchant, Richard Doderige of Barnstable in our saide County of Deuon
Marchant, Anthonie Dassell, and Nicolas Turner of our Citie of London
Marchants, haue bene perswaded and earnestly moued by certaine Portugals
resident within our Dominions, to vndertake and set forward a voyage to
certaine places on the coast of Guinea; Videlicit, from the Northermost
part of the Riuer commonly called by the name of the Riuer of Senega, and
from and within that Riuer all along that coast vnto the Southermost part
of another Riuer commonly called by the name of Gambra, and within that
Riuer: [Sidenote: A former voyage to Gambra.] which, as we are informed
they haue already once performed accordingly: And for that we are credibly
giuen to vnderstand that the further prosecuting of the same voyage, and
the due and orderly establishing of an orderly trafique and trade of
marchandize into those Countries, wil not only in time be very beneficial
to these our Realmes and dominions, but also be a great succour and reliefe
vnto the present distressed estate of those Portugals, who by our princely
fauour liue and continue here vnder our protection: And considering that
the aduenturing and enterprising of a newe trade cannot be a matter of
small charge and hazard to the aduenturers in the beginning: we haue
therefore thought it conuenient, that our said louing subiects William
Brayley, Gilbert Smith, Nicholas Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn Young, Richard
Doderige, Anthonie Dassell, and Nicholas Turner, for the better
incouragement to proceede in their saide aduenture and trade in the said
Countreis, shal haue the sole vse and exercise thereof for a certaine time.
In consideration whereof, and for other waightie reasons and
considerations, vs specially moouing, of our speciall grace, certaine
knowledge and meere motion, we haue giuen and graunted, and by these
presents for vs, our heires and successors doe giue and graunt vnto the
said William Brayley, Gilbert Smith, Nicholas Spicer, Iohn Doricot, Iohn