que le podran
leuantar, ny dudar, que no complamos muy por entero todo, lo que de nuestra
parte os prometiere. Nuestro Sennor guarde vostra muy alta y muy poderosa
persona: Hecha en nuestra Corte Real de Grenewich a 20. de Iulio 1587.
The same in English.
Right high and mightie Prince, Hauing vnderstood from our Agent the great
affection and good wil which you beare vs, and how great honour and fauor
you shew him for our sake, to the end to giue vs more ample testimonie of
your friendship, we haue receiued very great contentment and satisfaction,
as wel of the one as of the other: and withall we could not omit to
magnifie you, according to your desert. We haue also receiued your letters,
and do not a litle reioyce thereof, because they come from a prince vnto
whom we are so much beholden. Or Agent hath written vnto vs concerning
certaine things which you desire to bee sent vnto you from hence. And
albeit we wish that we could particularly satisfie you, as you desire, yet
it is fallen out, that the warres, wherein at this present we be busied wil
not suffer vs fully to doe the same: neuerthelesse, wee haue commaunded to
satisfie you in part, and according as the present necessitie doeth permit
vs, as our Agent will declare vnto you more particularly, hoping you will
receiue it in good part, and according to the good will wherewith wee
graunt the same. [Sidenote: Iohn Herman an English rebel.] And because it
hath bene signified vnto vs that you haue promised to proceed in iustice
against one Iohn Herman our subiect, which hath grieuously offended vs, in
such sort as wee haue sent word vnto you, wee haue giuen order to our said
Agent, to informe you more particularly in that which we desire to be done
in this busines, praying you also to command the same to be put in
execution: and that it would please you alwayes to fauour our said Agent
and to hold him in good credite, as you haue done hitherto, not suffering
your selfe to be changed in your opinion, for all the false reports which
they may raise against him, nor to doubt that wee will not accomplish at
large all that he shall promise you on our behalfe. Our Lord keepe and
preserue your right high and mightie person. Written in our royall Court at
Greenwich the 20. of Iuly 1587.
* * * * *
A Patent granted to certaine Marchants of Exeter, and others of the West
parts, and of London, for a trade to the Riuer of Senega and Gambia in