epper and Elephants teeth.
The first of March, we were admitted to the kings presence, and he made vs
the like courteous answere for our traffike: the next day we went againe to
the Court, where the foresaid Veadore shewed vs one basket of greene
pepper, and another of dry in the stalkes: wee desired to haue it plucked
from the stalks and made cleane, who answered, that it would aske time, but
yet it should be done: and that against another yeere it should be in
better readines, and the reason why we found it so vnprepared was, because
in this kings time no Christians had euer resorted thither, to lade pepper.
The next day there were sent vs 12 baskets, and so a litle euery day vntill
the 9 of March at which time we had made vpon 64 serons of pepper, and 28
Elephants teeth. In this time of our being at Benin (our natures at this
first time not so well acquainted with that climate) we fell all of vs into
the disease of the feuer, whereupon the Captaine sent me downe with those
goods which we alreadie had receiued, to the rest of our men at Goto: where
being arriued, I found all the men of our pinnesse sicke also, and by
reason of their weaknes not able to conuey the pinnesse and goods downe to
the place where our ship road: but by good hap within two houres after my
comming to Goto, the boate came vp from the ship, to see how all things
stood with vs, so that I put the goods into the boat, and went downe
towards the ship: but by that time I was come aboord, many of our men died:
namely, Master Benson, the Cooper, the Carpenter, and 3 or 4 more, and my
selfe was also in such a weake state that I was not able to returne againe
to Benin. Whereupon I sent vp Samuel Dunne, and the Chirurgian with him to
our men, that were about to let them blood, if it were thought needfull:
who at their comming to Benin, found the Captaine and your sonne William
Bird dead, and Thomas Hempsteede very weake, who also died within two dayes
after their comming thither. This sorrowfull accident caused them with such
pepper and teeth, as they could then find, speedily to returne to the ship,
as by the Cargason will appeare: at their comming away the Veadore tolde
them, that if they could or would stay any longer time, he would vse all
possible expedition to bring in more commodities: but the common sicknesse
so increased and continued amongst vs all, that by the time our men which
remained were come aboord, we had so many sicke and dead of our compa