Maiestie. The particulers of my seruice, for diuers good and reasonable
causes, I forbeare here to put downe in writing.
After leaue obtained, and an honourable reward bestowed by the Emperour
vpon me, I departed from his Court at Marocco the 18. of August 1588.
toward a garden of his, which is called Shersbonare, where he promised mee
I should stay but one day for his letters: howbeit, vpon some occasion I
was stayed vntil the 14. of September at the kings charges, with 40. or 50.
shot attending vpon me for my guard and safetie.
From thence at length I was conducted with all things necessary to the port
of Santa Cruz, being sixe dayes iourney from Marocco, and the place where
our shippes do commonly take in their lading, where I arriued the 21. of
the same moneth. In this port I stayed 43. dayes, and at length the second
of Nouember I embarqued my selfe, and one Marshok Reiz a Captaine and a
Gentleman, which the Emperour sent with mee vpon an Ambassage to her
Maiestie: and after much torment and foule weather at Sea, yet New-yeres
day I came on land at S. Iues in Cornwall, from whence passing by land both
together vp towards London, we were met without the Citie with the chiefest
marchants of the Barbary Company, well mounted all on horsebacke, to the
number of 40. or 50. horse, and so the Ambassadour and myselfe being both
in Coche, entred the citie by torchlight, on Sunday at night the 12. of
Ianuary 1589.
* * * * *
Este es vn traslado bien y fielmente sacado da vna carta real del Rey Muley
Hamet de Fes y Emperador de Marruecos, cuyo tenor es este, que Segue.
Con el nombre de Dios piadoso y misericordioso, &c. El sieruo de Dios
soberano, el conquistador per su causa, el successor ensalcado por Dios,
Emperador de los Moros, hijo del Emperador de los Moros, Iariffe, Haceni,
el que perpetue su honora, y ensalce su estado. Se pone este nuestro real
mandado en manos de los criados de neustras altas puertas los mercadores
Yngleses; para que por el sepan todos los que la presente vieren, come
nuestro alto Conseio les anpara con el fauor de Dios de todo aquello, que
les enpeciere y dannare en qualquiera manera, que fueren offendidos, y en
qualquiera viaie, que fueren, ninguno les captinara en estos nuestros
reynos, y puertos, y lugares, que a nos pertenescen: y que les cubre el
anporo de nuestro podor de qualquiera fatiga; y ningun los impida commano
de enemistad, ni se dara causa, de