d to the Company of Barbary Marchants resident
in London, I Henry Roberts one of her Maiesties sworne Esquires of her
person, was appointed her highnesse messenger, and Agent vnto the aforesaid
Mully Hamet Emperor of Marocco, king of Fesse, and Sus. And after I had
receiued my Commission, instructions, and her Maiesties letters, I departed
from London the 14. of August in the yeere 1585. in a tall ship called the
Ascension, in the company of the Minion and Hopewell, and we all arriued in
safetie at Azafi a port of Barbary, the 14. of September next following.
The Alcaide of the towne (being the kings officer there, and as it were
Maior of the place) recalled mee with all humanitie and honour, according
to the custome of the Countrey, lodging me in the chiefest house of the
towne, from whence I dispatched a messenger (which in their language they
call a Trottero) to aduertise the Emperour of my arriuall: who immediately
gaue order, and sent certaine souldiers for my guard and conduct, and
horses for my selfe, and mules for mine owne and my companies carriages.
Thus being accompanied with M. Richard Euans, Edward Salcot, and other
English Marchants resident there in the Countrey, with my traine of Moores
and carriages, I came at length to the riuer of Tensist, which is within
foure miles of Marocco: and there by the water side I pitched my tents
vnder the Oliue trees: where I met with all the English Marchants by
themselues, and the French and Flemish, and diuers other Christians, which
attended my comming. And after we had dined, and spent out the heat of the
day, about foure of the clocke in the afternoone we all set forward toward
the Citie of Marocco, where we arriued the said day, being the 14. of
September, and I was lodged by the Emperours appointment in a faire house
in the Iudaria or Iurie, which is the place where the Iewes haue their
abode, and is the fairest place, and quietest lodging in all the Citie.
After I had reposed my selfe 3 dayes, I had accesse to the kings presence,
delinered my message and her Maiesties letters, and was receiued with all
humanitie, and had fauourable audience from time to time for three yeeres:
during which space I abode there in his Court, as her Maiesties Agent and
Ligier: and whensoeuer I had occasion of businesse, I was admitted either
to his Maiestie himselfe, or to his vice Roy, whose name was Alcayde Breme
Saphiana, a very wise and discreet person, and the chiefest about his