que se agrauien en qualquiera manera con
el fauor de Dios y de sua comparo. Y mandamos a los Alcaydes de los
nuestros puertos y fortalezas, y a los que en estos nuestros reynos tienen
cargo, y a toda la gente commun, que no les alleguen en ninguna manera, con
orden, de que sean offendidos en ninguna manera; y esto sera
necessariamente: Que es escrita en los medios dias de Rabel, segundo anno
de nueue cientos, y nouenta y seys.
Concorda el dia d'esta cara con veynte dias de Marco del anno de mil y
quiniento y ochenta y siete, lo qual yo Abdel Rahman el Catan, interprete
per su Magestad saque, y Romance de verbo ad verbum, como en el se
contiene, y en Fee dello firmo de my nombre, fecho vt supra.
Abdel Rahman el Catan.
The same in English.
This is a copy well and truely translated of an edict of Muley Hamet king
of Fez and Emperour of Marocco, whose tenor is as followeth: To wit, that
no Englishmen should be molested or made slaues in any part of his
Dominions, obtained by the aforesaid M. Henry Roberts.
In the name of the pitifull and the mercifull God, &c. The seruant of the
supreme God, the conqueror in his cause, the successor aduanced by God, the
Emperour of the Moores, the sonne of the Emperour of the Moores, the
Iariffe, the Haceny, whose honour God long increase and aduance his estate.
This our princely commandement is deliuered into the hands of the English
marchants, which remaine in the protection of our stately palaces: to the
ende that all men which shall see this present writing, may vnderstand that
our princely counsaile wil defend them by the fauor of God, from any thing
that may impeach or hurt them in what sort soeuer they shalbe wronged: and
that, which way soeuer they shall trauaile, no man shall take them captiues
in these our kingdomes, ports, and places which belong vnto vs, which also
may protect and defend them by our authoritie from any molestation
whatsoeuer: and that no man shall hinder them by laying violent hand vpon
them, and shall not giue occasion that they may be grieued in any sort by
the fauour and assistance of God. And we charge and command our officers of
our hauens and fortresses, and all such as beare any authority in these our
dominions, and likewise all the common people, that in no wise they do
molest them, in such sort that they be no way offended or wronged. And this
our commandement shall remaine inuiolable, being registred in the middest
of the moneth of Ra