Captaine, his Lieutenant, the Master, Pilot, and
marchant, or three of them at least, whereof the Captaine to be one.
8 Item, that the pinnesse be ready at al times to serue the marchants turne
vpon his demand, to take in wares and commodities, and to cary and recary
to and from the shore, when, and as oft as neede shall be, and to giue due
attendance at the marchant and marchants direction during the whole voyage.
9 Item, that no head or chiefe officer being set downe for such an officer
vnder the hand of the owner, at the going to sea of the said shippe, shall
or may be displaced from his said place or office, without great cause, and
his misdemeanor to be adiudged by the Captaine, and his Lieutenant, the
Master, the Pilot, and the marchant, or by the consent of three of them at
10 Item, that vpon the returne of the shippe to the coast of England, the
Maister and Pilot put not into any port or harbour, to the Westward of
Southampton, but forced by weather, or such like vrgent cause.
William Huddie.
Iohn Hooper.
Hugh Smith.
John Foster.
William Cheesman.
* * * * *
A direction as well for the Captaine, and other my friends of the shippe,
as especially for William Cheesman Marchant, for the voyage to the riuer
of Plate.
[Sidenote: The Ile of S. Sebastian.] At your comming to the Isle of Saint
Sebastian, vpon the coast of Brasill, you shall according to your
discretions, make sale of such commodities, as you may thinke will be
thereabout well vented, and likewise to buy commodities without making
longer stay there then your victuals be prouiding, but rather to bespeake
commodities against your returne from the riuer of Plate, especially of
Amber, Sugar, Greene ginger, Cotton wooll, and some quantitie of the
peppers of the countrey there. Also for Parats and Munkies, and the beast
called Serrabosa. Also you shall barrell vp of the beefe called Petune, two
or three barrels, and to lose no good opportunitie, to gather of the Indian
figges, and the graines of them to preserue drie, in such quantitie as
conueniently may be done: and touching the making of the traine, and
preseruing of the hides, I leaue it wholly to the order and the discretion
of the chiefe of the companie. Also that in any road where the ship shall
ride vpon the coast of America, triall be made with the dragges, for the
pearle Oisters, and the same being taken, to be opened and searched for
pearle in