nd stripped naked. And they buried one Coxe [Marginal note: One
Coxe an old English man buried aliue by the Moores of Rio Grande in
Guinea.] an olde man aliue, notwithstanding his pitifull lamentation and
skrikings: the rest hauing Rice and water allowed them, liued there a
certaine time. This Examinate was at last sold to a Portugall, with whom he
dwelt the space of a quarter of a yere, and in the end, a Portugall Carauel
comming, thither, his master laded the same with Negroes, and he obtained
leaue of his master to goe in the same Carauell, and by that meanes arriued
at Lisbone, and from thence came into England the 17 of October, 1584,
leauing behinde him of his companie aliue, Richard Hacker, Iohn Baker, Iohn
Mathew, and a boy, with two others which were gone beyond Saint Domingo:
all which, as he saith, were so sicke and diseased, that he iudged them to
be long before this time dead.
* * * * *
The Letters patents or priuiledges granted by her Maiestie to certaine
Noble men and Marchants of London, for a trade to Barbarie, in the yeere
Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, France, and Ireland,
defender of the faith, &c. to the Treasurer & Barons of our Eschequer, and
to al Maiors, shirifs, constables, customers, collectors of our customes
and subsidies, controllers, searchers, and keepers of our hauens and
creekes, ports and passages, within this our realme of England and the
dominions of the same and to al our officers, ministers and subiects, and
to all other whosoeuer to whom it shall or may appertaine, and to euery of
them greeting. Whereas it is made euidently and apparently knowen vnto vs,
that of late yeeres our right trustie and right welbeloued councellors,
Ambrose Erle of Warwike, and Robert Erle of Leicester, and also our louing
and naturall subiects, Thomas Starkie of our citie of London Alderman,
Ierard Gore the elder, and all his sonnes, Thomas Gore the elder, Arthur
Atie gentleman, Alexander Auenon, Richard Staper, William Iennings, Arthur
Dawbeney, William Sherington, Thomas Bramlie, Anthony Garrard, Robert How,
Henry Colthirst, Edward Holmden, Iohn Swinnerton, Robert Walkaden, Simon
Lawrence, Nicholas Stile, Oliuer Stile, William Bond, Henrie Farrington,
Iohn Tedcastle, Walter Williams, William Brune, Iohn Suzan, Iohn Newton,
Thomas Owen, Roger Afield, Robert Washborne, Reinold Guy, Thomas
Hitchcocke, George Lydiat, Iohn Cartwright, Henry Pait