ement of the saide Erles of Warwike and
Leicester, Thomas Starkie, Ierard Gore the elder, and all his sonnes,
Thomas Gore the elder, Arthur Atie Gentleman, Alexander Auenon, Richard
Straper, William Iennings, Arthur Dawbnie, William Sherington, Thomas
Bramlie, Anthonie Gerrard, Robert Howe, Henry Colthirst, Edward Holmden,
Iohn Swinnerton, Robert Walkaden, Simon Lawrence, Nicholas Stile, Oliuer
Stile, William Bond, Henry Farington, Iohn Tedcastle, Walter Williams,
William Brune, Iohn Suzan, Iohn Newton, Thomas Owen, Roger Afield, Robert
Washborne, Rainold Guy, Thomas Hitchcock, George Lidiate, &c. or by, and
and with the expresse licence and consent of the more part of them then
liuning and trading, first had and obtained, so alwayes, that the sayd
Earle of Leicester be one, if hee bee liuing.
And we further for vs, our heires and successors of our speciall grace,
meere motion and certaine knowledge, do graunt to the said Erles of Warwike
and Leicester, Thomas Starkie, and the rest abouesaid, and to euery of
them, that nothing shall be done, to be of force or validitie touching the
said trade or trafique, or the exercise thereof, without or against the
consent of the saide Erles, Thomas Starkie, (and the others before named)
during the time of these our Letters patents for 12. yeeres as aforesaid.
And for that the said Erles, Thomas Starkie, &c. and euery of them
aforesaid should not be preuented or interrupted in this their said trade,
we do by these presents for vs, our heires and successours, straightly
prohibite and forbid all maner of person or persons, as well strangers of
what nation or countrey soeuer, as our owne Subiects, other then onely the
said Erles, Thomas Starkie, &c. and euery of them as aforesaid, that they
nor any of them from hencefoorth during the said terme of 12. yeeres, do or
shall bring, or cause to be brought into this our Realme of England, or to
any the dominions thereof, any maner of marchandizes whatsoeuer growing, or
being made within the said Countrey of Barbary, or within any the dominions
thereof, vnlesse it be by and with the license of the more part of them
then liuing, first had and obtained, so alwayes that the sayd Erle of
Leicester (if hee be liuing) be one, vnder the paine that euery one that
shall offend or doe against this our present prohibition here last aboue
mentioned in these presents, shall forfeite and lose all and singular the
said marchandizes to be landed in any our