seruants and assignes in the trade aforesaid, we for vs, our heires and
successors, doe by these presents giue and graunt full licence to the saide
Thomas Starke, Ierard Gore the elder, and the rest aforesaide, and euery of
them from time to time, during the said terme of twelue yeeres, at their
pleasures to assemble and meete together in any place or places conuenient
within our citie of London, or elsewhere, to consult of, and for the said
trade, and with the consent of the said Erie of Leicester, to make and
establish good and necessary orders and ordinances for and touching the
same, and al such orders and ordinances so made, to put in vse and execute,
and them or any of them with the consent of the said Erle of Leicester, to
alter, change and make voyde, and if need be, to make new, at any time
during the saide terme, they or the most part of them then liuing and
trading, shall finde conuenient.
Prouided alwayes, that the ordinances or any of them bee not contrary or
repugnant to the lawes, statutes or customes of this our Realme of England.
And to the intent that they onely to whom the said libertie of trafique is
graunted by these our Letters patents, and none other our Subiects
whatsoeuer, without their special consent and licence before had, should
during the said terme haue trade or trafique for any maner of Marchandizes,
to, or from the said countrey of Barbary, or to, or from any Citie, town,
place, port, harbor or creeke within the said countrey of Barbary, to, or
out of our said Realmes and dominions, wee doe by these presents straightly
charge, commaund, and prohibite all and euery our Subiects whatsoeuer,
other then only the said Erles of Warwike and Leicester, Thomas Starkie,
and the rest abouesaid, and euery of them by themselues, or by their
Factors or seruants during the saide terme, to trade or trafique, for or
with any marchandize, to, or from the saide Countrey of Barbary, or to, or
from any the dominions of the same, as they tender our fauour, and will
auoyde our high displeasure, and vpon paine of imprisonment of his and
their bodies, at our will and pleasure, and of forfeiting all the
marchandizes, or the full value thereof, wherewith they or any of them
during the saide terme, shall trade or trafique to or from the said
countrey of Barbary, or to, or from the dominions of the same, contrary to
this our priuilege and prohibition, vnlesse it be by and with the expresse
licence, consent, and agre