2 Item, that they be ready with the first faire winde, to set saile and
sailes in the voyage, and not to put into any port or harbour, but being
forcibly constrained by weather, or other apparent and vrgent cause.
3 Item, that they take in, at or about the Isles of Cape Verde, to the
quantitie of 25 or 30 tuns of salt, to be imployed among other the owners
marchandize, at Santos, and S. Vincent, to his onely behoofe, and the rest
of the salt, so much as shall be needed for victuall, and for sauing of the
hides to be kept aboord, and the same salt to be prouided either at the
fishermens hands neere the said Isles for trucke of commodities, or els to
be taken in at the aforesayd Isles, at discretion of the aboue-named.
4 Item, vpon the due performance of this voiage, the owner bindeth himselfe
by this deede, to yeeld vnto any such of the companie, as shall refuse
their shares before they depart from the coast of England, 20 markes a
single share, for the dutie of the whole voiage, making not aboue 75.
shares single in the whole.
5 Item, the company according as they be appointed by the officers of the
said ship aboue named, shall at all times be most ready to doe their
painfull indeuor, not onely aboord, but in all labours at the land,
according to the direction giuen by the aboue named officers, vpon paine of
forfeiture of their shares and wages, the same to be diuided amongst the
6 Item, that the shares be taken at their returne out of al the traine
oile, and hides of the seales, and of all other commodities gotten by their
handie labour, and of the salt that shall be vended and other commodities,
at, or neere the coast of Brasil, to allow after 9 li. the tunne freight,
whereof one third to goe to the company.
7 Item, that if any man shall practise by any deuise or deuises whatsoeuer,
to alter the voiage from the true purpose and intent of the owner, viz. to
make their first port at Santos, and Saint Vincent, and there to revictuall
and traffike, and from thence to the riuer of Plate to make their voyage by
the traine, and hide of the seales, with such other commodities as are
there to be had, according as the owner, with diuers that haue gouernment
in the said ship, are bound to her highnesse by their deedes obligatorie in
great summes, that all such practisers, vpon due proofe made, shall lose
their whole intertainement due by shares or otherwise for this sayde voyage
to be adiuged by the