her hands. They were afterwards purchased by the crown, and
are now in a fitting place of deposit,--the Archives of the Kingdom of
Holland. The MS. printed by Reiffenberg is in French.
[1113] Correspondance de Philippe II., tom. II. p. 14.
[1114] Supplement a Strada, tom. I. p. 244.
[1115] Ibid., p. 219.--Correspondance de Philippe II., tom. I. p. 588.
[1116] "La suppliant de prendre en cette affaire la determination que la
raison et l'equite reclament." Ibid., p. 607.
[1117] Ibid., p. 614.
[1118] Ibid., p. 599.
[1119] "Le Comte d'Egmont," said Granvelle, in a letter so recent as
August 17, 1567, "disait au prince que leurs menees etaient decouvertes;
que le Roi faisait des armements; qu'ils ne sauraient lui resister;
qu'ainsi il leur fallait dissimuler, et s'accommoder le mieux possible,
en attendant d'autres circonstances, pour realiser leurs desseins."
Correspondance de Philippe II., tom. I. p. 56
[1120] "Tout ce qui s'est passe doit etre tire au clair, pour qu'il soit
bien constant que dans une affaire sur laquelle le monde entier a les
yeux fixes, le Roi et lui ont procede avec justice." Ibid., p. 669.
[1121] This tedious instrument is given _in extenso_ by Foppens,
Supplement a Strada, tom. I. pp. 44-63.
[1122] Indeed, this seems to have been the opinion of the friends of the
government. Councillor Belin writes to Granvelle, December 14, 1567:
"They have arrested Hoorne and Egmont, but in their accusations have not
confined themselves to individual charges, but have accumulated a
confused mass of things." Raumer, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,
vol. I. p. 182.
[1123] For example, see the thirty-eighth article, in which the
attorney-general accuses Egmont of admitting, on his examination, that
he had parted with one of his followers, suspected of heretical
opinions, for a short time only, when, on the contrary, he had expressly
stated that the dismissal was final, and that he had never seen the man
since. Supplement a Strada, tom. I. p. 40.
[1124] Egmont's defence, of which extracts, wretchedly garbled, are
given by Foppens, has been printed _in extenso_ by M. de Bavay, in his
useful compilation, Proces du Comte d'Egmont, (Bruxelles, 1854,) pp.
[1125] "Suppliant a tous ceux qui la verront, croire qu'il a respondu a
tous les articles sincerement et en toute verite, comme un Gentilhomme
bien ne est tenu et oblige de faire." Supplement a Strada, tom. I. p.
[1126] Fopp