istoria de Madrid, fol. 369.
[1533] Pinelo, Anales de Madrid, MS.--Quintana, Historia de Madrid, fol.
369.--Lettera del Nunzio, Luglio 28, 1568, MS.--Cabrera, Filipe Segundo,
lib. VIII. cap. 5.
[1534] Carta del Rey a Zuniga, Agosto 27, 1568, MS.
[1535] "Digo la missa el Cardenal Tarragona, asistiendo a las honras 21
cardenales idemas de los obispos y arzobispos." Aviso de un Italiano
platico y familiar de Ruy Gomez de Silva, MS.
[1536] "Oracion funebre," writes the follower of Ruy Gomez, "no la hubo,
pero ye hizo estos epitaphios y versos por mi consolacion." Ibid.
Whatever "consolation" the Latin doggerel which follows in the original
may have given to its author, it would have too little interest for the
reader to be quoted here.
[1537] "Il Re como padre ha sentito molto, ma come christiano la
comporta con quells patienza con che dovemo ricevere le tribulationi,
che ci manda Nostro Signore Dio." Lettera del Nunzio, Luglio 24, 1568,
[1538] Raumer has given an extract from this letter, Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, vol. I. p. 149.
[1539] Besides Brantome, and De Thou, elsewhere noticed in this
connection, another writer of that age, Pierre Matthieu, the royal
historiographer of France, may be thought to insinuate something of the
kind, when he tells us that "the circumstance of Isabella so soon
following Carlos to the tomb had suggested very different grounds from
those he had already given as the cause of his death." (Breve Compendio
de la Vida Privada del Rey Felipe Segundo, MS.) But the French writer's
account of Philip is nearly as apocryphal as the historical romance of
San Real, who, in all that relates to Carlos in particular, will be
found largely indebted to the lively imagination of his predecessor.
[1540] "Aussi dit on que cela fut cause de sa mort en partie, avec
d'autres subjects que je ne dirai point a ceste heure; car il ne se
pouvoit garder de l'aimer dans son ame, l'honorer et reverer, tant il la
trouvoit aymable et agreable a ses yeux, comme certes elle l'estoit en
tout." Brantome, OEuvres, tom. V. p. 128.
[1541] "Luy eschappa de dire que c'avoit este fait fort meschamment de
l'avoir fait mourir et si innocentement, dont il fut banny jusques au
plus profond des Indes d'Espagne. Cela est tres que vray, a ce que l'on
dit." Ibid., p. 132.
[1542] Apologie, ap. Dumont, Corps Diplomatique, tom. V. par. i. p. 389.
Strada, while he notices the common rumors respecting Carlo