nde olor y fragrancia, y embalsamon a la Reyna: la cual
aunque habia pasado tanto tiempo estaba como si entonces acabara de
morir, y con tan gran hermosura en el rostro que no parecia esta
muerta." Ibid., ubi supra.
[1572] Letter of St. Goar, June 18, 1573, ap. Raumer, Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, vol. I. p. 163.--Quintana, Historia de Madrid,
fol. 370.
[1573] Letter of Catherine de Medicis, ap. Raumer, vol. I. p. 162.
[1574] Letter of Cardinal Guise. Feb. 6, 1569, ap. Ibid., 163.
[1575] The openness with which Carlos avowed his sentiments for Isabella
may be thought some proof of their innocence. Catherine de Medicis, in a
letter to Fourquevaulx, dated February 28, 1568, says, alluding to the
prince's arrest: "I am concerned that the event very much distresses my
daughter, as well with regard to her husband as in respect of the
prince, who has always let her know the good-will he bears to her."
Ibid., p. 141.
[1576] The French historian, De Thou, by no means disposed to pass too
favorable a judgment on the actions of Philip, and who in the present
case would certainly not be likely to show him any particular grace,
rejects without hesitation the suspicion of foul play on the part of the
king. "Quelques-uns soupconnerent Philippe de l'avoir fait empoissoner,
parce qu'il lui avoit fait un crime de la trop grande familiarite
qu'elle avoit avec Dom Carlos. Il est neanmoins facile de se convaincre
du contraire, par la grande et sincere douleur que sa mort causa, tant a
la Cour que dans toute l'Espagne; le Roi la pleura, comme une femme
qu'il aimoit tres-tendrement." Histoire Universelle, tom. V. p. 437.
[1577] Brantome, OEuvres, tom. V. p. 137.
Yet Isabella's mother, Catherine de Medicis, found fault with her
daughter, in the interview at Bayonne, for having become altogether a
Spaniard, saying to her tauntingly, "_Muy Espanola venis_." To which the
queen meekly replied, "It is possible that it may be so; but you will
still find me the same daughter to you as when you sent me to Spain."
The anecdote is told by Alva in a letter to the king. Carta del Duque de
Alva al Rey, MS.
[1578] "Aussi l'appelloit-on _la Reyna de le paz y de la bondad_,
c'est-a-dire la Reyn de la paix et de la bonte; et nos Francois
l'appellarent l'olive de paix." Ibid p. 129.
[1579] "Elle est morte au plus beau et plaisant avril de son aage....
Car elle estoit de naturel et de tainct pour durer longtemps belle, et
aussi que l