ite pendant le tems de l'Evangile.
C'est la seule occasion ou l'on tient l'epee nue a l'Eglise." Helyot,
Hist. des Ordres Religieux, tom. III. p. 93.
[1400] Boisgelin, Ancient and Modern Malta, vol. I. p. 35.
The good knight dwells with complacency on the particulars of a ceremony
in which he had often borne a part himself. It recalled to his mind the
glorious days of an order, which he fondly hoped might one day be
restored to its primitive lustre.
[1401] Alfieri, Schiller, and, in our day, Lord John Russell, have, each
according to his own conceptions, exhibited the poetic aspect of the
story to the eyes of their countrymen. The Castilian dramatist,
Montalvan, in his "Principe Don Carlos," written before the middle of
the seventeenth century, shows more deference to historic accuracy, as
well as to the reputation of Isabella, by not mixing her up in any way
with the fortunes of the prince of Asturias.
[1402] This correspondence is printed in a curious volume, of the
greatest rarity, entitled, Elogios de Don Honorato Juan, (Valencia,
1659,) p. 60 et seq.
[1403] "Egli in collera reitero con maraviglia et riso di S. M. et
de'circumstanti, che mai egli non saria fuggito." Relatione di Badoaro,
[1404] "Reprehendio al Principe su nieto su poca mesura i mucha
desenboltura con que vivia i trataba con su tia, i encomendola su
correcion, diziendo era en lo [~q] mas podia obligar a todos." Cabrera,
Filipe Segundo, lib. II. cap. 11.
[1405] "Ne attende ad altro che a leggirli gli officii di M. Tullio per
acquetare quei troppo ardenti desiderii." Relatione di Badoaro, MS.
[1406] "En lo del estudio esta poco aprovechado, porque lo haze de mala
gana y ausy mesmo los otros exercicios de jugar y esgremyr, que para
todo es menester premya." Carta de Garcia de Toledo al Emperador, 27 de
Agosto, 1557, MS.
[1407] "Hasta agora no se que los medicos ayan tratado de dar ninguna
cosa al principe para la colera, ny yo lo consintiera hazer, sin dar
primero quenta dello a vuestra magestad." Ibid.
[1408] "Deseo mucho que V. M. fuese servido que el principe diese una
buelta por alla para velle por que entendidos los impedimentos que en su
edad tiene mandasse V. M. lo que fuera de la horden con que yo le sirvo
se deba mudar." Del mismo al mismo, 13 de Abril, 1558, MS.
[1409] So cruel, according to the court gossip picked up by Badoaro,
that, when hares and other game were brought to him, he would
occasionally amuse himse