77 | 98.1
1/2 egg white | 1/2 egg white| 1.5 | 0.02 | | 6.0
Saccharin to | | | | |
sweeten | | | | |
| | | | |__________
Total grams | | | | | 416.0
| | | | |==========
Total calories | | | | | 930.5
~Rules and Regulations.~--The following directions and menus are given
to be used when a reduction in weight is necessary. Care must be
taken not to allow large amounts of even the non-fat-forming foods in
the dietary, since under certain conditions the body will manufacture
adipose tissue of any surplus organic material ingested. Breakfast
must be limited as demonstrated in the tabulated diet sheet.
~Keeping the Weight Down.~--After the individual has been reduced to
approximately the desired weight the diet may be made a trifle more
liberal, keeping in mind, however, that moderation is the keynote in
the obesity regime and will have to be practised to a certain extent
always. It is wise to continue the dry meals and to limit the amount
of butter, cream, and other "fatty foods," to a certain extent. Pork,
with the exception of crisp bacon several times a week at breakfast,
had best be avoided, and alcoholic beverages should be omitted
entirely except when prescribed by the physician. The outdoor exercise
should be continued and only the amount of sleep requisite to health
indulged in. If the individual will faithfully carry out these
directions, there is no reason why the weight should continue to be a
burden. It must be remembered that it is never safe to diet
indiscriminately and without the advice of a physician, since much
harm may come of so doing.
~Value of Massage.~--Massage is an advisable accompaniment to an
obesity diet and will help to prevent a sagging of the tissues which
have been deprived of the supporting fat. The tissues of the face,
neck, and breast are especially apt to wrinkle unless given the
exercise and stimulation from massage. ~Cold baths~ are likewise
advisable, since they stimulate the body to burn up the fat.
Lunch--Tuna fish salad
Baked appl