Cherry 0.013
Cocoanut juice 0.035
Olives 0.008-0.210
Plums 0.0046
Gooseberry 0.021
Watermelon juice 0.011
Grape 0.024
Almonds, dry 0.010
Walnuts, dry 0.019
Cane sugar 0.110
Lump sugar 0.049
Chocolate (Lindt) 0.073
Capers (preserved in salt) 2.10
Capers (preserved in vinegar) 0.20
Pepper, black 0.51
Pepper, white 0.019
Mustard 2.66
Vanilla 0.055
Cinnamon 0.061
Cocoa beans 0.05-0.095
Coffee, roasted 0.045
Tea 0.15
Ground water 0.0012-0.0060
Spring water 0.00055-0.0046
Ale 0.0017
Beer, German 0.016
Beer, English 0.10
Champagne (Moet & Chandon) 0.0045
Apollinaris 0.043
Fachinger 0.039
Giesshuble (Mattoni) 0.0021
Vichy 0.053
~The kidneys~ find difficulty in eliminating certain substances,
namely, the end-products of protein metabolism--urea, water, salts,
and purin bodies.
~The Urine~ constitutes the chief point of investigation. Analysis
shows the presence of albumen, casts, blood cells, and pigments, with
a corresponding deficiency in the normal constituents, water, urea,
and salts.
~Volume of Urine.~--The volume of urine is reduced, and at times
suppressed, owing to the difficulty with which the kidneys eliminate
water in nephritic conditions.
~The Blood~ shows the presence of the toxic substances on account of
the inability of the kidneys to eliminate them properly.
~Edema~ is a common symptom and is probably due to the retention of
salts and water by the tissues of the body. It is treated and at times
relieved by limiting the intake of fluids and reducing the amount of
sodium chl