Lettuce and tomato salad
Lemon jelly
Hominy with milk
Poached egg on toast
Weak coffee (milk and little sugar)
Lunch--Cream of green pea soup
Tomato jelly
Broiled sweetbreads
Weak tea
Dinner--Small portion of lean lamb or chicken
Boiled or mashed potatoes
String beans
Sliced tomatoes
Prune whip
~Advice to Patient.~--The above menus are merely suggested. The diet
may be selected from the list of foods already mentioned. The patient
must be warned against overeating and drinking. Pastry, rich cakes and
puddings, confectionery, gravies, etc., must be avoided. In certain
individuals beer will induce a bilious attack. By them it should be
The cause of this disease and the stage in which it exists must
determine the treatment necessary. However, it matters not what
produced the disease, whether it is the result of alcoholism,
syphilis, etc., the diet plays an important role in its cure.
~The Diet.~--The diet in this disease, as in any other, must be
determined by the condition of the patient. Unfortunately, many
patients do not know of their condition until the disease is well
advanced and symptoms of obstruction are prominent. A study of these
must be made before the diet can be formulated. When the symptoms are
mainly those arising from disturbed digestion of the stomach and
intestines, without kidney or heart complication, the diet for chronic
gastritis is used.
~Restricting the Fluids.~--When the heart is involved, it is
sometimes found necessary to restrict the fluids (dry diet) to 1 quart
(about 1000 c.c.) per day. The Karell Cure has been used
advantageously in many of these cases. In cases where the kidneys are
involved, the diet will depend upon the condition of these organs.
~Restricting the Diet.~--The diet in any case must be restricted.
Individuals with a tendency to cirrhosis and those coming of a family
in which liver diseases are frequent should be especially warned about
the dangers of overeating and drinking. Alcohol should be avoided
especially by such individuals. They should keep their diet simple in
character and moderate in amounts.
~Avoidable Foods.~--All foods, such as condiments and spices, meat
extracts, the outside browned portions of