which is one of the countrey. They demanded of me many questions as
touching the law and faith of Iesus Christ, and as touching the Ten
Commandements. And the king gaue his consent that our Order should build a
Church in his countrey, which was halfe builded; but our peruerse and
malicious Portugals plucked it downe againe: [Sidenote: The great gaine of
the Portugals in Pegu.] for whereas it is a countrey wherein our nation
gaine very much by their commodities, they fearing that by the building of
this Church there would be greater resort thither, and so their trade
should be impaired if their great gaines should be knowen vnto others then
those which found this countrey out first, therefore they were so vnwilling
that the building of this church should goe forward. Our Portugals which
are here in this realme are woorse people then the Gentiles. I preached
diuers times among those heathen people; but being obstinate they say, that
as their father beleeued so they will beleeue: for if their forefathers
went to the diuell so they will. Whereupon I returned backe againe to our
monastery to certifie our Father prouinciall of the estate of this new
found countrey. It is the best and richest countrey in all this East India:
and it is thought to be richer then China.
[Sidenote: Pegu the best and richest countrey in all the East Indies.] I am
afrayd that the warres which his Maiestie hath with England will be the
vtter vndoing and spoile of Spaine: for these countreys likewise are almost
spoiled with ciull warres, which the Moores haue against the Gentiles: for
the kings here are vp in armes all the countrey ouer. Here is an Indian
which is counted a prophet, which hath prophesied that there will a Dragon
arise in a strange countrey, which will do great hurt to Spaine. How it
will fall out onely God doth know. And thus I rest: from this monastery of
Cochin the 28 of December, 1589. [Sidenote: A prophesie of an Indian
against Spaine.]
Your good cousin and assured friend
frier Peter of Lisbon.
* * * * *
A voyage with three tall ships, the Penelope Admirall, the Marchant royall
Viceadmirall, and the Edward Bonaduenture Rereadmirall, to the East
Indies, by the Cape of Buona Speransa, to Quitangone neere Mosambique, to
the Iles of Comoro and Zanzibar on the backeside of Africa, and beyond
Cape Comori in India, to the Iles of Nicubar and of Gomes Polo, within
two leagues of Sumat