ya fui, tuya soy: en pos del tuyo
mi enamorado espiritu se lanza.
(_Dirigese adonde esta el cadaver de Marsilla; pero antes de
llegar, cae sin aliento con los brazos tendidos hacia su
7-8. #que ... el pie = que te ve colocar el pie orillas (a la orilla) de
un precipicio.#
17. #al ser#, _on becoming, when he became_.
33-34. #para vivir ... los tres = para que vivamos los tres con
48. #costara#, an example of the frequent use of the imperfect
subjunctive for the conditional in this play.
57. #?Que habra escrito...?# Note use of future to express
conjecture. _What can he have written...?_
87. #Mira ... dice#, _see whether it says_.
90. #en el encierro aquel = en aquel encierro.#
106-107. #ve a buscarme#; literally, _go to find me_; translate:
_come to me_.
113. #volvio = volvio en si#, _he has come to himself, has regained
115-116. #De aquella ... hecho = esta hecho (acostumbrado) a las
tinieblas de aquella horrible mansion.#
135-136. #desde hoy ... aflija = desde hoy no permitire que te aflija
ningun afan.#
140. #azorado#. Note that in poetry predicate adjectives or past
participles are frequently used instead of adverbs.
147. #Haz ... vea = haz que yo vea a mi bienhechora.#
155. #Defienda#, _may Heaven protect_, etc.
162. #mas = es mas hermoso.#
179-180. #No es ... mora = lo mas (importante) no es que la noble
princesa mora me redima.#
191 et seq. In the first edition of the play Marsilla begins the account
of his adventures thus:
Mi nombre es Diego Marsilla,
y cuna Teruel me dio,
ciudad que ayer se fundo
del Turia en la fresca orilla.
In the interest of accuracy of detail the author changed this to the
reading of the present text. The river flowing past Teruel changes its
name from Guadalaviar to Turia only after it has left Teruel behind.
Moreover, Teruel was, strictly speaking, _villa_ at the time of the
supposed action of the play, and not _ciudad_: the title _ciudad_ was
not granted to it by the King of Aragon until the year 1347.
193. #Ayer se fundo.# Destroyed by the Moors, Teruel was rebuilt in
1171, forty-six years earlier. In the life of a city, a generation seems
but a day.
195-197. #cuyos muros ... pobladores = cuyos muros, levantados entre
horrores de lid atroz, fueron amasados con la sangre de sus fuertes