iscover; #si lo llego a
pensar# should I ever think that; #si llegaseis a conocer# if you could
only know; #os llega funesto# a disastrous end awaits you; #en llegando#
on his arrival
#lleno# full, filled
#llevar# take, carry, bear; lead: wear; live; get away; #-- de# live,
spend in; #-se# carry away, lead along; #-- me a casar# take me to the
marriage altar; #-- a cabo# carry out; #el alma se llevan# they take my
spirit with them
#llorar# weep, weep for, lament; #llorando# in tears
#lloro# weeping, tears
#madre# mother; Virgin Mary
#magra# rasher, slice of ham, pork
#mal# _m._ evil; misfortune
#mal# _adv._ bad, badly; hardly, scarcely
#maldecido# accursed
#maldecir# execrate, imprecate, curse
#maldicion# curse, malediction
#maldito# accursed
#malogrado# unfortunate
#maltratar# maltreat, abuse
#malvado# wicked
#manar# flow
#mancebo# youth, young man
#mancha# stain, blot, blemish
#manchar# stain
#mandar# order, command; cause; #-- sepultar# have buried
#manera# manner; #de aquesa --# like that, in that condition; #de --
que# such that
#manifestar# prove
#mano#, _f._ hand
#mansion# abode, place of habitation
#mantener# keep, maintain, retain
#manana# morning, to-morrow
#maquinalmente# mechanically
#maquinar# plan, contrive
#mar# _m._ sea #maravillado# amazed, filled with wonder
#maravillar# surprise
#marcar# impress, brand
#marcial# military
#marchar# go away, depart, leave, #-se# go away, go off
#margen# _m., f._ margin, bank
#marido# husband
#martirio# torture, martyrdom
#mas# but
#mas# more, most; higher; moreover; still more; #no --# no longer; #--
que, -- de# more than; #no hay --# there is no other; #por -- que#
however, however much
#mascara# mask
#matar# kill; #-- de celos# afflict with jealousy
#materno# maternal
#mayor# greater, greatest
#mazmorra# dungeon
#medico# doctor
#medio# middle, midst
#meditar# meditate, reflect
#mejor# better; greater
#mella# indentation, impression
#menear# move, stir
#menester# _m._ need, necessity; #ser --# be necessary
#mengua# shame
#menguado# diminished; unhappy; #hora menguada# in a fatal moment
#menor# lesser, smaller
#menos# less; except; #lo --, al --# at least
#mensajero# messenger
#mentar# mention, relate
#mentido# false
#mentir# lie
#mentira# lie; #es --# it is not true
#mercader# _m._ merchant
#merced# mercy; f