enter (_stage_); #-- al camino# go out to meet
#salon# _m._ large hall
#salud# health
#salvador# _m._ savior
#salvar# save, rescue; conceal
#salve# _f. prayer to the Virgin Mary, beginning: Salve Regina_
#salvo# safe; safety; #puesta ya en --# as soon as she has escaped
#sangre# _f._ blood; race; family; #a -- y fuego# with fire and sword
#sangriento# bloody
#santo# holy
#sanudo# furious, wrathful
#satisfacer# satisfy
#sayal# _m._ sackcloth
#se# _2d per. imper. of_ #ser#
#secreto# secrecy
#sed# _f._ thirst
#sedicioso# seditious
#sediento de# thirsting for
#seducir# charm, captivate
#seguir# follow, pursue; continue
#segun# as, according to, just as; #-- se me dice# according to what
they tell me
#segundo# second
#seguro# safe, secure
#seis# six
#sellar# seal, stamp; outline
#sembrar# sow
#semejanza# likeness
#seno# breast, bosom, heart; cavity, enclosure
#sensible# sensitive
#sentado# seated
#sentarse# sit down
#sentido# sense; mind, consciousness; sentient being
#sentimiento# grief
#sentir# feel; hear
#sena# sign, proof; #por -s que# as proof that; for the reason that,
seeing that
#senal# _m._ indication, trace, proof, signal
#senalar# indicate, point to, show
#senor# _m._ master; Lord; sir, sire
#senora# lady, mistress; madam; #Nuestra --# Virgin Mary
#senorear# dominate; overtop
#separado# separate
#sepultar# bury
#sepultura# tomb
#ser# be; #el -- mujer# the fact that she is a woman; #-- propias de#
belong to; #-- de# belong to; #no soy mia# I do not belong to myself;
#siendo mal#, if it is evil; #?que ha sido de?# what has become of?
#ser# _m._ life, being, state
#sereno# serene, undisturbed
#servir# serve
#seso# sense, prudence; #hombre de --# prudent man
#severo# cruel
#si# if, whether; why; #por -- es# lest it be; #-- no# only, at least
#si# yes, indeed, truly; #creo que --# I believe it, so; #-- que# I know
well that; #-- tal# of course; #ello --# the fact is
#si# himself, herself, itself, _etc._; #por --# in itself
#siempre# always; #para --# forever; #-- que# whenever
#siete# seven
#siguiente# following
#silla# chair
#sillon# _m._ large chair, armchair
#sinceridad# sincerity
#singular# strange
#Sion# Zion, Jerusalem
#siquiera# even
#Siria# Syria
#soberana# queen, sovereign
#soberania# sovereignty
#soberano# supreme
#soberbio# proud
#sobrar# excee