ness; #ya poco distante de la --# that borders on
#temible# terrible, dreaded
#templar# temper, appease
#templario# Templar (_member of the military order founded 1118 for the
defence of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem_)
#templo# church
#tenaz# tenacious, obstinate; profound
#tender# stretch, extend, lay out
#tener# have, take, receive; provide; consider; #-- de, -- que# have to;
#-- a bien# consider proper to, grant, be good enough to; #-- la culpa#
be to blame; #-- noticia# hear, learn; #-- por# consider as; #-- trazas
de# manage, succeed in; #ten# here it is
#termino# term, limited time, time set; boundary; #poner --# terminate;
#limitar -s# form the boundaries of, bound
#ternura# tenderness, love
#terreno# ground, earth
#Teruel# _capital of the Province of Teruel, Aragon, on the left bank of
the Guadalaviar, 72 miles northwest of Valencia. Pop. in 1910, 11,035_
#teson# _m._ tenacity, obstinacy
#tesoro# treasure
#testigo# witness
#tiempo# occasion; circumstances; #a --# in time; #tan a --# so
opportunely; #a buen --# opportunely; #-- hace que# some time ago
#tierno# tender, loving; young
#tierra# land, ground; floor; #morder la --# bite the dust
#tigre# tiger, tigress
#tiniebla# darkness; #-s# utter darkness
#tino# skill; skilful touch
#tinta# ink
#tirador# _m._ sharpshooter, marksman
#tirania# tyranny
#tirano# tyrant
#tocado# coiffure, arrangement of the hair
#tocar# touch; behoove, befit, be befitting; fall to the lot of; #a el
le toca# it is his place; #-- a visperas# ring for vespers
#todavia# still, yet; #no ...# not yet.
#todo# all; quite; #del --# entirely
#tomar# take, get; #toma# here
#toque# _m._ ringing of bells; #al -- de visperas# at the call to
#tormento# torment, sorrow
#tornar# turn, return
#torneo# tournament
#torre#, _f._ tower
#torreon# _m._ fortified tower
#trabar# join; enter into
#traer# bring, carry, fetch; lead; cause, produce; #-- la arrastrando#
drag her here
#traicion# treason; #a --# treacherously
#traidor, -a# false; traitor; wretch
#traje# _m._ dress; #en -- de# dressed as; #con -- de hombre# in male
#traje, trajo# _pret. of_ #traer#
#trama# plot, conspiracy
#trance# _m._ peril, critical moment; #en -- tan decisivo# in such a
critical moment _or_ situation
#tranquilizarse# become quiet, be calm
#tras# after, behind, in the wake of
#trastornado# dazed