zas estas de novias?# isn't she
a fine bride? (_ironical_)
#nube# _f._ cloud, mist
#nueva# news, tidings
#nuevo# new
#nunca# never, ever
#o# or, either
#obedecer# obey
#obligacion# obligation, duties
#obra# work
#obrar# work; bring about
#obsequioso# obliging, courteous
#ocasion# chance, opportunity
#ocultar# hide, conceal
#oculto# hidden; secretly
#ocupar# occupy; #-se de# busy oneself with, give oneself up to; #ocupad
la silla# sit down, be seated
#odiar# hate
#odio# hate, hatred
#odioso# hateful
#ofender# insult, outrage; be offensive; trouble
#ofensa# offence, insult; #hacer -- de# feel offended by
#ofrecer# offer; be willing
#ofrecimiento# offer; promise
#ofrenda# votive offering; sacrifice
#oido# ear
#oir# hear, listen to
#iojala!# would that they had!
#ojo# eye
#olvidar# forget
#opinion# reputation, good name
#oponerse a# oppose
#oprobio# shame
#opulencia# opulence, luxury
#opulento# wealthy
#orbe# _m._ world
#ordinario# ordinary; #de --# regularly
#orgullo# pride
#orgulloso# proud
#orilla# bank, shore; edge, brink; bounds; #-s# on the edge, brink (of)
#osar# dare
#osculo# kiss
#oscuro# dark
#otorgar# grant
#otro# other
#pacifico# peaceful
#padecer# suffer, endure
#padecer# _m._ suffering, sorrow
#padre# father; #-s# parents; #el -- nuestro# the Lord's Prayer
#paga# payment
#pagar# pay; repay; pay for
#paisano# countryman; fellow countryman
#paja# straw
#paje# _m._ page
#palabra# word; promise
#palma# palm; hand; #-s# palm leaves; hands
#palpitar# beat, palpitate
#pan# _m._ bread; #a --# on bread
#par# even; #abrirse de -- en --# be thrown wide open
#para# for; in order to; as; #-- con# compared with; #--siempre#
forever; #-- que# in order that
#paradero# whereabouts
#parado# standing still, stopped short
#paramo# desolate plain, desert
#parar# stop; be; reside, live; #-se# stop; #ir a --# pierce; #en esto
paran# this is the end of
#parecer# seem; appear; #?que os parece#? how do you like?
#parecido# resembling; #todo --# closely resembling, very much like
#parpado# eyelid
#parte# _f._ part; place; #por otra --# moreover
#partida# parting, departure
#partido# match, game
#partir# depart, leave, set out; split, divide
#pasar# pass, happen; suffer; #-- con# happen to; #-- por# pass by; call
at; #lo que pasa# what is going on