#puerta# door; #a esotra --# try the other door (she hears nothing)
#pues# then, well, well then; #-- bien# well then, very well
#puesto# (_p.p. of_ #poner#) set; #puesta ya en salvo# as soon as she has
#puesto# place, post
#pujanza# power, might
#punta# point
#punto# point; place; #al --# at once
#punal# _m._ poniard, dagger
#pureza# purity
#que# that, who; in order that; for; when; #dire -- no# I shall refuse
#?que?# what; how? #?A que?# why?
#quebrantar# break
#quebrar# break, burst
#quedar# remain; be left; be; #-- con# retain, be left with; #-se#
remain; #se quedo triste# she was sad when I left
#queja# complaint; #dar -s# make complaints, complain
#quemar# burn
#querella# complaint
#querer# wish; love; wish to keep; #dondequiera# wherever he pleases;
#no lo quiera Dios# God forbid; #Dios quiso# it was God's will; #quiso#
she tried
#quien# who; he who, the one who, she who; #tienen -- los#
#defienda# they have some one to defend them
#quieto# quiet; quietly
#quince# fifteen
#quiso# _see_ #querer#
#quitar# take off _or_ away _or_ from
#quiza# perchance, perhaps
#rabioso# furious; passionate
#radiante# radiant, brilliant
#rasgar# rend, cut open, pierce
#rastro# trail
#rato# short time, while
#rayar# border on
#rayo# ray, flash of light, lightning, thunderbolt; #-- del cielo# by
the power of Allah
#razon# _f._ reason, reasoning; account, information; #razones#
#real# royal
#rebato# excitement, commotion
#rebelarse# revolt, resist
#rebelde# rebellious
#rebelion# rebellion
#recato# modesty
#recelar# fear, dread
#recibir# receive, admit, let in
#reclamar# claim as one's due, demand
#recobrar# recover
#recoger# pick up, take up, find
#reconvenir con# reproach for
#recordar# recall, remind; remember
#recorrer# run through, hurry through
#recuerdo# memory, recollection, remembrance; recognition
#rechazar# repulse
#rededor# _m._ surroundings; #al -- de# around
#redimir# redeem, liberate
#reflexion# reflection; hesitation, reluctance
#refugiado# refugee
#refugiarse# take refuge
#refundir# recast, rearrange
#regalo# present
#regla# rule, precept
#rehusar# refuse
#reina# queen
#reinar# reign; predominate; dwell, be
#reino# kingdom
#reir# laugh; #-se de# laugh at
#reja# grating
#relicario# locket
#remediar# remedy, help