itself; through his own efforts; #--
la noche# at night; #-- ser# because I am; #-- mas que# however, however
#porque# because, for, in order that
#?por que?# why
#porque# _m._ cause, reason
#porte# _m._ conduct, bearing
#pos: en -- de# after, in pursuit of
#postrado# prostrate; #-- por el suelo# humbled to the dust
#postrar# prostrate, cast down; #-- por el suelo# overthrow, make bite
the dust
#postrero# last
#potro# rack, torture
#precioso# precious
#precipitado# precipitate, hasty
#preciso# necessary
#preferir# prefer
#preguntar# ask, ask about, question
#premiar# reward
#prenda# pledge, token; treasure; beloved one, sweetheart; #-s#
qualities, appearance; #idolatrada --# object of worship; #-- querida#
beloved one, dearest
#prendarse de# fall in love with
#prender# take, capture; take root
#presagio# omen
#presenciar# witness, be present at
#presentarse# appear
#presentir# have a presentiment _or_ foreboding of
#presidir# preside
#preso# prisoner
#prestar# lend, give
#presto# soon, quickly
#pretender# solicit, seek, desire; try, endeavor
#prevenir# announce
#prevision# foresight
#primero# first; rather; #-- que# before
#princesa# princess
#principal# noble; #varon --# gentleman, man of honor
#principe# _m._ prince
#principiar# begin
#prisa# haste
#prision# prison; #prisiones# bonds
#privar# deprive
#probar# taste; take
#procurar# try, endeavor
#prodigar# lavish upon
#prodigio# marvel
#prodigioso# marvelous; remarkable
#profugo# fugitive from justice, outlaw
#profundo# deep
#projimo# fellow man; person; fellow
#prometer# promise, offer
#pronosticar# predict
#pronto# ready; quickly, at once
#pronunciar# pronounce, speak
#propicio# propitious, favorable
#propio# proper; #la propia Zulima# Zulima herself
#proponerse# resolve
#proporcionar# provide with, furnish
#proposito# purpose; #a --# for the purpose, suitable
#proscenio# proscenium, front of stage (_that part of stage between the
curtain and the orchestra_)
#proseguir# continue
#proteger# protect
#provecho# profit; #sin --# idle, useless
#providencial# providential; #acto --# act of providence
#provido# provident; providently
#provocar# cause
#proximo# next, near; approaching
#prueba# proof
#pudiera# (_imp. subj. of_ #poder#) might, might well; #mal --# I could
hardly be so....
#pueblo# people; tow